I run a local mirror of the gentoo sources (planning on going public soon) and mirror the sources from ftp://ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/distributions/gentoo and recently noticed that the gentoo-x86 and gentoo-x86-portage directories have disappeared from this mirror (is ibiblio.org the master source?). Are these directories in fact intended to be deleted? I remember a recent mailing from the ibiblio mirror maintainers that they had experienced a severe hard drive crash, so I just wanted to confirm that the deletion of these directories wasn't a side effect of that. Is there a mailing list for gentoo-mirror related discussion where I would learn of changes such as these?
ibiblio is no longer an rsync mirror. (I wasn't even aware that they ever were). For private mirrors, you're welcome to use rsync.<continent>.gentoo.org or rsync.<country code>.gentoo.org to sync from. For public mirrors, the master server is rsync1.us.gentoo.org. You can subscribe to gentoo-mirrors to get more information about mirror-related activities. closing bug.