Copy/Pasted from the forum post: I noticed an offset of certain colors while I was playing my Contact DVD in MPlayer. The problem only occured when I had another window active (in my case, I had X-Chat at the top of the screen with the movie playing on the bottom). Here are some images I took with my digital camera (GIMP was refusing to take screenshots of the MPlayer window for some reason): Ellie fondles a radio receiver with color offset (notice the red numbers, green lights). ( URL: ) The blue square in the mid-upper-right portion of the above image is a result of the digital camera (its not something wrong with MPlayer). Likely its a reflection off the monitor. Same as above, without color offset. ( URL: ) To fix the issue, I simply had to select the movie window to make it active. Relevant info: I was using MPlayer 0.90-r1, installed via portage. System information: CPU: AthlonXP 2100+ Video Card: NVIDIA GF4 4200 (128 MB) Video Drivers: NVIDIA Drivers (1.0.4363-r1) Kernel: Gentoo-Sources 2.4.20-R5 For the few minutes after I had encountered the bug, it was repeatable, but it doesn't seem to be now (bug was originally encountered about, oh, 20 minutes ago).
Mr. Parker, I am not entirely sure what to do with this bug ... any new info?
No, don't worry about it, it seemed like a one-time thing.