On posting a documentation update for the UML docs, a couple of the guys asked me to post a bug report as well on what I found and so here it is... Fault: Trying to bootstrap the LiveCD stage3 causes a crash. Background: I was trying to get the UML kernel going in 1.0_rc3. Having just got a Gentoo system working based on stage3 I used the stage3 kernel in the UML setup. When running scripts/bootstrap as per the UML guide the compile fell over. I then repeated the process twice more doing *exactly* what the guide said - same. Roll on a month and I was installing Gentoo 1.0_rc4 on another system. This time I loaded the stage3 from the CD and then accidentally ran the stage1 instructions, i.e. scripts/bootstrap.sh Result: it crashed, however, this was great as I recognized the crash as being the same as when I was trying to compile UML. I then went through the UML install again and used a stage1 tarball to run the bootstrap. Great, one UML kernel humming now. As to the crash. I'm sorry I didn't copy the error message. Hardware: Athlon 1900 on ASUS A7V8X motherboard (audio and no RAID), with 256MB RAM. The first machine had an Athlon, 256MB RAM, and an ASUS A7V333 motherboard (with RAID).
Sorry, I thought this was a documentation issue...
I am not sure if there is much if anything we can do to track down this bug without any information on the error message that was displayed. For this reason, I'm closing this bug. In the future, please copy down the specific error message and some of the surrounding text so we can get an idea of what happened and where in the bootstrap it happened.
Moving these so we can remove the "Install CD" component from "Gentoo Linux". I apologize to everyone for this spam, but according to the bugzilla developers, this is the only reasonable way to do this.