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Bug 207553 - dev-util/catalyst fails on live CVS ebuilds
Summary: dev-util/catalyst fails on live CVS ebuilds
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Hosted Projects
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Catalyst (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Gentoo Catalyst Developers
: 207562 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-01-26 14:33 UTC by Jonas Bernoulli
Modified: 2013-02-05 03:33 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Jonas Bernoulli 2008-01-26 14:33:15 UTC
i am trying to include app-editor/emacs-cvs in a stage4 but get this error:

>>> Unpacking source...
 * Fetching CVS module emacs into /usr/portage/distfiles/cvs-src ...
 * Running  cvs -q -f -z1 -d "" login
cvs [login aborted]: cannot get working directory: No such file or directory
 * ERROR: app-editors/emacs-cvs-23.0.60-r1 failed.
 * Call stack:
 *           , line 1701:  Called dyn_unpack
 *           , line  817:  Called qa_call 'src_unpack'
 *           , line   44:  Called src_unpack
 *   emacs-cvs-23.0.60-r1.ebuild, line   64:  Called cvs_src_unpack
 *                    cvs.eclass, line  504:  Called cvs_fetch
 *                    cvs.eclass, line  332:  Called die

i first thought that for some reason like mkdir was somehow disabled inside /usr/portage/distfiles this doesn't work but i was able to compile games-emulation/dosbox-cvs which also uses cvs.eclass.

so maybe this isn't a problem with catalyst after all. i still report this for the catalyst component because i could not reproduce it on my live system. please reassign if you think catalyst can't be the cause of this.

on gentoo-catalyst a similar problem with a different package has been reported before but didn't get a replay:

Reproducible: Always
Comment 1 Andrew Gaffney (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-01-26 17:03:40 UTC
*** Bug 207562 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 2 Andrew Gaffney (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-01-26 17:05:58 UTC
This is a known problem, but nobody has ever really looked into it. Catalyst is primarily a tool for building Gentoo releases, and we never use CVS ebuilds in releases. This means our motivation for looking into this is minimal. If someone can track down the issue and provide a patch, I'm sure we'd be more than happy to include it.
Comment 3 Jonas Bernoulli 2008-01-26 20:57:52 UTC
So you are saying that this is probably a catalyst bug? I will try to track this down once I have time.

Sorry about the double post.
Comment 4 Chris Gianelloni (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-01-28 08:04:09 UTC
What Andrew was saying was that nobody has looked into it.  It could be a catalyst bug or it could be a bug in the ebuild.  We don't know.
Comment 5 Andrew Gaffney (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-01-28 13:04:09 UTC
We've seen it with other ebuilds, too, so it's probably not an ebuild bug. However, it's possible that it's a combination of an eclass and a catalyst bug.
Comment 6 Jonas Bernoulli 2008-06-22 19:19:22 UTC
I have looked into this a little and found a workaround.

By inserting `cvs -q -f -z1 -d "" login' (after moving the code that creates $CVS_PASSFILE to the top) at various places in cvs_fetch(), I learned, that changing the working directory to /usr/portage/distfiles/cvs-src triggers the error. Before doing so the login command succeeds.

This directory however does exist. I also checked if the bug still exists if I prevent catalyst from binding /usr/portage/distfiles, which it does.

So basically I don't know more than before: CVS thinks that the directory does not exist despite the fact that it does.

But I found an easy workaround. In I added:

export ECVS_TOP_DIR=/tmp

to work around the problem.

I hope that you will include this workaround in catalyst, though you would probably set that envvar somewhere else.
Comment 7 Andrew Gaffney (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-06-22 19:24:19 UTC
We typically don't like workarounds, especially ones as "specific" as that one. If you can find the root cause, we'll do what we can to actually fix it.
Comment 8 peteru 2009-10-07 15:49:37 UTC
Seems that this one is a CVS bug.

I get this problem when trying to use CVS from an automounted NFS4 directory.

$ pwd
$ cvs -n up
cvs [update aborted]: cannot get working directory: No such file or directory
$ df .
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
-                    975425536 836082688 139342848  86% /net/gw/Projects
Comment 9 Ulrich Müller gentoo-dev 2009-12-27 20:20:07 UTC
Updating summary, since the problem seems not to be Emacs specific.

(Also Emacs has moved from CVS to Bazaar. Does the bug still occur with app-editors/emacs-vcs, i.e. bzr.eclass?)
Comment 10 Jonas Bernoulli 2009-12-28 23:09:08 UTC
(In reply to comment #9)
> (Also Emacs has moved from CVS to Bazaar. Does the bug still occur with
> app-editors/emacs-vcs, i.e. bzr.eclass?)

I no longer use catalyst so I won't be able to test it. However it is extremely unlikely that this bug also occurs with bzr.  (As has been said this probably is cvs bug.  Even if it is an ebuild (or catalyst) bug this should not affect the behaviour of bzr in any way.)

So with regards to Emacs this bug is indeed resolved.

Comment 11 Ulrich Müller gentoo-dev 2010-04-15 09:57:01 UTC
(In reply to comment #10)
> So with regards to Emacs this bug is indeed resolved.

Emacs team is out of here.
Comment 12 Raúl Porcel (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-09-11 15:24:29 UTC
AFAIK this is a bug on cvs, it fails on bind-mounted directories...
Comment 13 Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2012-09-28 10:20:52 UTC
Is there anything for catalyst to "fix" here?
From Raúl's comment, perhaps this should be assigned to the cvs maintainers?
Comment 14 Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2013-02-05 03:33:19 UTC
No replies, so closing.