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Bug 20266 - Mozilla 1.2.1 works only once. Then no possibility to run it again
Summary: Mozilla 1.2.1 works only once. Then no possibility to run it again
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: High critical
Assignee: Mozilla Gentoo Team
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-05-01 06:08 UTC by Daniel Tourde
Modified: 2003-07-11 14:23 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Daniel Tourde 2003-05-01 06:08:30 UTC
This is a very strange bug I am encountering. I will try to give the most
accurate description of this bug but if more information are required, do not
hesitate to contact me.

I just built a Gentoo 1.4 system. I have a pentium 2 system. I built everything
from scratch following the installation instructions. My only personal "touch"
being CFLAGS="-O3 -march=pentium2 -pipe"
I am using the latest portage tree (April 30th (today being May 1st)).
I built xfree, gnome and kde using the latest stable portages (I did not use the
~x86 portages, I sticked to the x86 ones). I built as well, evolution, gideon
and abiword.
As you can see, nothing weird or exotic in there. Just a normal system.

Now the strange thing:
As root (I have not definied users yet) under Gnome, I tried galeon. It worked.
I closed the program and forgot about it.
Few minutes after I tried to reopen galeon and all of a sudden, my screen has
been invaded by galeon processes, a new one opening automatically every second
or so. I killed the original process and tried again. Same thing.
Then I decided to try mozilla. I typed mozilla in a terminal and nothing
happened. With 'top' I can see that a 'mozilla-bin' process is started but it
dies by itself before anything shows on the screen. I came to the conclusion
that galeon's problem was due to a non responding mozilla process.

A that point I decided to rebuild mozilla. I thought that maybe a file had been
erased by mistake, somewhere. I removed mozilla (emerge -C mozilla) and rebuilt
it from scratch (emerge mozilla).
Then, as root, under Gnome I tried to run mozilla. It worked. With the window
still open, I tried galeon. It worked too. I thought the problem had been
solved. I closed both windows and for security sake, I tried to rerun galeon.
Then, once again many windows pop-up, mozilla not responding.

This is a strange bug. Mozilla in my case works once, for the root user. I
cannot say for any other user but I think it is the same. Of course I tried to
remove the .mozilla and .galeon directories but it did not help.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Install Mozilla and Galeon on a fresh Gentoo 1.4 system
2. Run mozilla and galeon as root under windows for the very first time. Enjoy!
Close both programs.
3. Try to rerun either galeon or mozilla. None works. Mozilla crashing at once.
4. Uninstall and rebuild mozilla.
5. Get back to 2.

Actual Results:  
Mozilla works the first time it is called. It does not work after (Galeon
working also the very first time and not responding after (or to be more
precise, reopening itself endessly due to a non responding mozilla))

Expected Results:  
A working mozilla giving me as well a working galeon.
Comment 1 Marc Doughty 2003-07-11 12:49:28 UTC
Does this still happen? Have you tried Mozilla 1.4 (or latest)? If it is a non-issue now please mark as 'resolved'
Comment 2 Brad Laue (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-07-11 14:23:30 UTC
Closing this, bit qualitative, no way to determine the problem.