When I am trying to upgrade kdebase, and I run emerge -uavDN kdebase, I eventually recieve a econf error Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1.#emerge -uavDN kdebase 2.answer Y to upgrade 3. Actual Results: ERROR: kde-base/kdebase-3.5.8-r1 failed. * Call stack: * ebuild.sh, line 1701: Called dyn_compile * ebuild.sh, line 1039: Called qa_call 'src_compile' * ebuild.sh, line 44: Called src_compile * kdebase-3.5.8-r1.ebuild, line 132: Called kde_src_compile * kde.eclass, line 170: Called kde_src_compile 'all' * kde.eclass, line 340: Called kde_src_compile 'myconf' 'configure' 'make' * kde.eclass, line 322: Called econf '--with-dpms' '--enable-dnssd' '--with-sssl' '--with-usbids=/usr/share/misc/usb.ids' '--with-libraw1394' '--with-hal' '--with-ldap' '--with-sensors' '--without-libusb' '--without-openexr' '--with-gl' '--with-pam' '--with-samba' '--with-composite' '--without-xinerama' '--without-xscreensaver' '--without-java' '--with-x' '--enable-mitshm' '--without-xinerama' '--with-qt-dir=/usr/qt/3' '--enable-mt' '--with-qt-libraries=/usr/qt/3/lib' '--disable-dependency-tracking' '--disable-debug' '--without-debug' '--disable-final' '--with-arts' '--prefix=/usr/kde/3.5' '--mandir=/usr/kde/3.5/share/man' '--infodir=/usr/kde/3.5/share/info' '--datadir=/usr/kde/3.5/share' '--sysconfdir=/usr/kde/3.5/etc' * ebuild.sh, line 638: Called die * The specific snippet of code: * die "econf failed" * The die message: * econf failed * * If you need support, post the topmost build error, and the call stack if relevant. * A complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/kde-base/kdebase-3.5.8-r1/temp/build.log'. Expected Results: It should compile the latest kdebase version I read somewhere on the gentoo forums that you must unmerge kdelibs and then emerge kde. But, I do not want to have to recompile both of these rather large packages for every upgrade
Not devrel; opening and reassigning.
Please add your "emerge --info", the output of "emerge -pv =kde-base/kdebase-3.5.8-r1", the actual error message (which comes before the part you posted) and attach /var/tmp/portage/kde-base/kdebase-3.5.8-r1/temp/build.log. Unmerging kdelibs is *not* neccessary.