It would be nice to have this App in Portage: --------------------------------------------------------------------- RetrospeKt is my attempt to make working with backups easier and more intuitive. It is inspired by Apple's "Time machine" backup system and is based on rsnapshot backup script. The main advantage comes from using the hard links in backup snapshots. The snapshots are not archived/compressed in any way so with Retrospect you can easily browse your folders (in konqueror) as they were at any previous backup point. If you are using the Strigi desktop search, you can now search not only the current disk state but all the past disk states! A simple konqueror service menu entries are also provided for: * restoring files from backups * comparing any two versions of a text file with the excellent Kompare (see exactly what you changed and possibly un-apply those changes) * browsing all the versions of the selected file * finding all the deleted files in the current directory * listing all the changes made on the selected file/directory (journal) Now there is also included an extremely simple rsnapshot configuration utility. You just select the directories to backup, where to backup and how often to backup and the scripts will (should) take care of the rest! :) TO INSTALL: For full functionality make sure you have kommander, rsnapshot, kdialog, konqueror and kompare insalled. Uncompress anywhere and run the 'install' script. Provide your root/user password when asked by kdesu. KNOWN ISSUES: Rsnapshot does not handle links correctly. For example, if your /home is a link to /disk2/home then please backup both the link (/home) and the actuall data (/disk2/home). Reproducible: Always