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Bug 198274 - games-rpg/eve-online (new ebuild)
Summary: games-rpg/eve-online (new ebuild)
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Games (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Gentoo Games
Keywords: EBUILD
Depends on:
Reported: 2007-11-06 15:24 UTC by Maurice Gilden
Modified: 2009-02-08 23:10 UTC (History)
14 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

games-rpg/eve-online (eve-online-0.62-r1.ebuild,1.18 KB, text/plain)
2007-11-06 15:26 UTC, Maurice Gilden
games-rpg/eve-online (eve-online-000062-r1.ebuild,1.18 KB, text/plain)
2007-11-06 18:38 UTC, Maurice Gilden
games-rpg/eve-online ebuild 000066-r1 (eve-online-000066-r1.ebuild,1.21 KB, text/plain)
2009-01-26 18:22 UTC, sajuka

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Maurice Gilden 2007-11-06 15:24:46 UTC
Ebuild for the MMORPG "EVE Online". This installs a limited cedega version that only runs the EVE client. The rest of the client will be installed after the first time "eve" is executed.

This is just a first version of an ebuild. Most of the files will be installed in /usr/lib/eve, but it would be better to have them in /usr/games/lib/eve.

Reproducible: Always
Comment 1 Maurice Gilden 2007-11-06 15:26:33 UTC
Created attachment 135337 [details]
Comment 2 Maurice Gilden 2007-11-06 18:38:58 UTC
Created attachment 135360 [details]

better version numbering
Comment 3 Samuel Penn 2007-11-08 09:14:33 UTC
FWIW, works for me on AMD64. Thanks.
Comment 4 Chris Henhawke (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-11-09 15:30:58 UTC
Ebuild works, but game has some crashing issues during gameplay.  Possibly ATI related, but I don't have another PC to test it.
Comment 5 skolima 2007-11-10 11:07:41 UTC
It would probably be better if the ebuild downloaded the whole client (circa 800MB) and, if possible, installed it with Cedega or at least placed it somewhere  where the installer will look for. On the other hand, making this work together with Eve automatic updates would be tricky.

Comment 6 Chad A. Simmons 2007-12-06 04:07:43 UTC
shouldn't this install in /opt?
Comment 7 Renaud Chaput 2007-12-27 21:56:19 UTC
Works on AMD64, thanks for the ebuild.
But dbus-python is missing in RDEPEND.
Comment 8 Maurice Gilden 2007-12-28 14:48:21 UTC
(In reply to comment #7)
> But dbus-python is missing in RDEPEND.

I don't have dbus-python installed here and it works. So I don't see where it would be needed. Or do you have any errors without it?
Comment 9 falcon 2008-01-06 01:23:02 UTC
I thought I might change the hardware in this bug to "all" because PPC doesn't make any sense.
Comment 10 falcon 2008-01-06 23:40:29 UTC
I note that when python is installed as 2.4 and then updated to 2.5 but python-updater is not run, the following error results:

falcon@squall ~ $ eve
ARGS are -GAME EveOnline-linux
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/eve/", line 15, in <module>
    import pygtk
ImportError: No module named pygtk

Would it be a decent idea for the ebuild to die in the event that the user's system is in this state and prompt them to merge and run python-updater first?
Comment 11 Alan Pastor 2008-02-04 03:23:25 UTC
I didn't use your ebuild to install EVE, but when I installed from the source I found that I couldn't get past character selection and into station. It would crash with, sh: lsb-release command not found.

So I fixed this by emerging; sys-apps/lsb-release-1.4 

and it worked great after that. So you may need to add it to the dependencies of the ebuild. I'm not sure how standard it is on most systems but it wasn't installed with anything I installed on my GNOME/Compiz/AMD64 system.
Comment 12 Bob Shaffer 2008-02-10 17:28:02 UTC
Gentoo devs: Please add this online game with over 200,000 players to the main portage tree.
Comment 13 Mr. Bones. (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-02-10 21:31:23 UTC
Comment 14 Andreas Zuber 2008-03-04 11:19:32 UTC
There is a new version of the client. Renaming eve-online-000062-r1.ebuild to eve-online-000066-r1.ebuild works for me.
Comment 15 sajuka 2009-01-26 18:20:02 UTC
(In reply to comment #11)
> I didn't use your ebuild to install EVE, but when I installed from the source I
> found that I couldn't get past character selection and into station. It would
> crash with, sh: lsb-release command not found.
> So I fixed this by emerging; sys-apps/lsb-release-1.4 

Yes eve-online requires sys-apps/lsb-release to run properly
Added new ebuild: eve-online-000066-r1.ebuild with sys-apps/lsb-release as a dependency.
Comment 16 sajuka 2009-01-26 18:22:03 UTC
Created attachment 179795 [details]
games-rpg/eve-online ebuild 000066-r1

added sys-apps/lsb-release as a dependency since its needed to run eve-online properly!
Comment 17 Tristan Heaven (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-02-08 23:10:51 UTC

Looks like they've stopped supporting this. There was never a proper (native) client anyway.