When trying to update to GNOME 2.20, portage complains about app-text/scrollkeeper (needed by, at least, gnome-base/gnome-desktop and gnome-base/gnome-panel) blocking app-text/rarian (needed by gnome-extra/yelp), and thus GNOME 2.20 cannot be emerged. I was under the impression that rarian was a backwards compatible replacement for scrollkeeper; if rarian is needed for GNOME 2.20 (because of yelp), why gnome-panel, gnome-desktop and others still depends on scrollkeeper? Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Try to upgrade to GNOME 2.20 in ~amd64 2. Fails for conflicts between rarian and scrollkeeper 3. Actual Results: GNOME cannot be upgraded Expected Results: GNOME should be upgraded
No, they don't block unless you mix stable app-text/scrollkeeper with unstable rest of Gnome, which is entirely unsupported and purely your problem. Read the scrollkeeper-9999 ebuild.
jakub: totally bogus. I hit this on both my machines and I only run ~amd64.
No, Jakub is right: you just need to unmask scrollkeeper so the dummy 9999 version (which depends on rarian) gets installed. Sorry, I thought that the 9999 version was the SVN or something like that.