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Bug 194504 - net-im/pidgin-2.2.1 crash when trying to use YIM
Summary: net-im/pidgin-2.2.1 crash when trying to use YIM
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Gentoo Net-im project
Depends on:
Reported: 2007-10-02 13:50 UTC by Russ White
Modified: 2008-02-16 19:53 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Russ White 2007-10-02 13:50:25 UTC
I am using Pidgin 2.2.1 which works fine for Google chat, but when I try to use my YIM account I get a segfault when it tries to show the buddy list.

here is the debug info and trace:

(08:07:17) prefs: Reading /home/russ/.purple/prefs.xml
(08:07:17) prefs: Finished reading /home/russ/.purple/prefs.xml
(08:07:17) dbus: okkk
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/
(08:07:17) plugins: /usr/lib/purple-2/ is not usable because the 'purple_init_plugin' symbol could not be found.  Does the plugin call the PURPLE_INIT_PLUGIN() macro?
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/
(08:07:17) util: Reading file xmpp-caps.xml from directory /home/russ/.purple
(08:07:17) util: File /home/russ/.purple/xmpp-caps.xml does not exist (this is not necessarily an error)
(08:07:17) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/
(08:07:17) plugins: /usr/lib/purple-2/ is not usable because the 'purple_init_plugin' symbol could not be found.  Does the plugin call the PURPLE_INIT_PLUGIN() macro?
(08:07:17) prefs: /purple/status/scores/offline changed, scheduling save.
(08:07:17) prefs: /purple/status/scores/available changed, scheduling save.
(08:07:17) prefs: /purple/status/scores/invisible changed, scheduling save.
(08:07:17) prefs: /purple/status/scores/away changed, scheduling save.
(08:07:17) prefs: /purple/status/scores/extended_away changed, scheduling save.
(08:07:17) prefs: /purple/status/scores/idle changed, scheduling save.
(08:07:17) prefs: /purple/status/scores/offline_msg changed, scheduling save.
(08:07:17) util: Reading file accounts.xml from directory /home/russ/.purple
(08:07:17) util: File /home/russ/.purple/accounts.xml does not exist (this is not necessarily an error)
(08:07:17) util: Reading file status.xml from directory /home/russ/.purple
(08:07:17) certificate: CertificateVerifier x509, singleuse requested but not found.
(08:07:17) certificate: CertificateVerifier singleuse registered
(08:07:17) certificate: CertificatePool x509, ca requested but not found.
(08:07:17) certificate: CertificateScheme x509 requested but not found.
(08:07:17) certificate/x509/ca: Lazy init failed because an X.509 Scheme is not yet registered. Maybe it will be better later.
(08:07:17) certificate/x509/ca: Init failed, probably because a dependency is not yet registered. It has been deferred to later.
(08:07:17) certificate: CertificatePool ca registered
(08:07:17) certificate: CertificatePool x509, tls_peers requested but not found.
(08:07:17) certificate: CertificatePool tls_peers registered
(08:07:17) certificate: CertificateVerifier x509, tls_cached requested but not found.
(08:07:17) certificate: CertificateVerifier tls_cached registered
(08:07:17) prefs: /purple/logging/format changed, scheduling save.
(08:07:17) prefs: /purple/logging/format changed, scheduling save.
(08:07:17) prefs: /purple/proxy/type changed, scheduling save.
(08:07:17) prefs: /purple/proxy/host changed, scheduling save.
(08:07:17) prefs: /purple/proxy/port changed, scheduling save.
(08:07:17) prefs: /purple/proxy/username changed, scheduling save.
(08:07:17) prefs: /purple/proxy/password changed, scheduling save.
(08:07:17) certificate: CertificateScheme x509 requested but not found.
(08:07:17) certificate: CertificateScheme x509 registered
(08:07:17) stun: using server 
(08:07:17) sound: Initializing sound output drivers.
(08:07:17) prefs: /pidgin/conversations/placement changed, scheduling save.
(08:07:17) prefs: purple_prefs_connect_callback: Unknown pref /pidgin/conversations/im/show_protocol_icons
(08:07:17) gtkblist: added visibility manager: 1
(08:07:17) docklet: created
(08:07:17) util: Reading file blist.xml from directory /home/russ/.purple
(08:07:17) util: File /home/russ/.purple/blist.xml does not exist (this is not necessarily an error)
(08:07:17) pounce: Error reading pounces: Failed to open file '/home/russ/.purple/pounces.xml': No such file or directory
(08:07:18) Session Management: ICE initialized.
(08:07:18) Session Management: Connecting with no previous ID
(08:07:18) Session Management: Handling new ICE connection... (08:07:18) done.
(08:07:18) Session Management: Connected to manager (GnomeSM) with client ID 117f000001000119133043800000147930023
(08:07:18) Session Management: Using /usr/bin/pidgin as command
(08:07:18) dbus: Need to register an object with the dbus subsystem. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.)
(08:07:18) dbus: The signal "gtkblist-hiding" caused some dbus error. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.)
(08:07:18) Session Management: Received first save_yourself
(08:07:18) Session Management: Received save_complete
(08:07:18) docklet: embedded
(08:07:22) util: Writing file prefs.xml to directory /home/russ/.purple
(08:07:22) util: Writing file /home/russ/.purple/prefs.xml
(08:07:33) g_log: clearlooks_style_draw_focus: assertion `width >= -1' failed
(08:08:04) dbus: Need to register an object with the dbus subsystem. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.)
(08:08:04) dbus: The signal "gtkblist-unhiding" caused some dbus error. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.)
(08:08:04) account: Connecting to account russwyte
(08:08:04) connection: Connecting. gc = 0x83d2290
(08:08:04) dns: DNS query for 'localhost' queued
(08:08:04) prefs: /pidgin/blist/list_visible changed, scheduling save.
(08:08:04) dns: Debugger detected, performing useless query...
(08:08:04) dns: Created new DNS child 16311, there are now 1 children.
(08:08:04) dns: Successfully sent DNS request to child 16311
(08:08:04) dns: Got response for 'localhost'
(08:08:04) dnsquery: IP resolved for localhost
(08:08:04) proxy: Attempting connection to
(08:08:04) proxy: Connecting to via localhost:8888 using SOCKS5
(08:08:04) socks5 proxy: Connection in progress
(08:08:04) socks5 proxy: Connected.
(08:08:04) prefs: /pidgin/blist/y changed, scheduling save.
(08:08:05) socks5 proxy: Able to read.
(08:08:05) s5: reallocing from 4 to 8
(08:08:05) s5: reallocing from 8 to 10
(08:08:05) yahoo: 97 bytes to read, rxlen is 117
(08:08:05) yahoo: Yahoo Service: 0x57 Status: 1
(08:08:05) yahoo: Key: 1        Value: russwyte
(08:08:05) yahoo: Key: 94       Value: r^q&3&j-t-e/g^i|(b&d+p)^x^z|n*(o/(t%8)%r+8/1&e-y^e&(j%e-8%p+y/8%1%j-y))
(08:08:05) yahoo: Key: 13       Value: 2
(08:08:05) yahoo: yahoo status: 0
(08:08:05) yahoo: 750 bytes to read, rxlen is 770
(08:08:05) yahoo: Yahoo Service: 0x55 Status: 0
(08:08:05) yahoo: Key: 89       Value: russwyte
(08:08:05) yahoo: Key: 59       Value: Y\tv=1&n=1s43c5ji2mh1k&l=hkiimoj4/o&p=m25146j013000000&r=2t&lg=generic&intl=generic; expires=Thu, 15 Apr 2010 20:00:00 GMT; path=/;
(08:08:05) yahoo: Key: 219      Value: 
(08:08:05) yahoo: Key: 59       Value: T\tz=YLkAHBYR5AHBQumaL2d3gmeMjYzBk41MDIwNzVONg--&a=YAE&sk=DAAaHVan0jq1wl&d=c2wBTlRFMEFUa3lOelUzTURJNU1RLS0BYQFZQUUBb2sBWlcwLQF0aXABRVJURlpDAXp6AVlMa0FIQmdXQQ--&af=QUFBQ0FDQUQmdHM9MTE5MTMzMDUyMCZwcz1VZTloSUZ5OEpuTUlVb1MzTzY2eDhRLS0-; expires=Thu, 15 Apr 2010 20:00:00 GMT; path=/;
(08:08:05) yahoo: Key: 219      Value: 
(08:08:05) yahoo: Key: 59       Value: C\tmg=1
(08:08:05) yahoo: Key: 219      Value: 
(08:08:05) yahoo: Key: 153      Value: 1
(08:08:05) yahoo: Key: 90       Value: 1
(08:08:05) yahoo: Key: 3        Value: russwyte
(08:08:05) yahoo: Key: 100      Value: 0
(08:08:05) yahoo: Key: 101      Value: 
(08:08:05) yahoo: Key: 102      Value: 
(08:08:05) yahoo: Key: 15001    Value: 1
(08:08:05) yahoo: Key: 15002    Value: 
(08:08:05) yahoo: Key: 213      Value: 0
(08:08:05) yahoo: Key: 275      Value: 1
(08:08:05) yahoo: Key: 216      Value: Russell
(08:08:05) yahoo: Key: 254      Value: White
(08:08:05) yahoo: Key: 192      Value: 453255659
(08:08:05) yahoo: Key: 93       Value: 86400
(08:08:05) yahoo: Key: 149      Value: KWWkGF35zH5KN1F6ExarYg--
(08:08:05) yahoo: Key: 150      Value: sy5Iv53HVvDkrJfKgKLDhw--
(08:08:05) yahoo: Key: 151      Value: DhqGKwFPknUXOjf5zCm9Fg--
(08:08:05) yahoo: Key: 244      Value: 0
(08:08:05) yahoo: Key: 217      Value: 0
(08:08:05) yahoo: Ignoring unrecognized cookie 'C'
(08:08:05) util: requested to fetch (, full=0, user_agent=((null)), http11=1
(08:08:05) g_log: file dnsquery.c: line 619 (purple_dnsquery_a): should not be reached
(08:08:05) yahoo: No Aliases to process

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread -1221765456 (LWP 16303)]
0xb73587cd in ?? () from /lib/
(gdb) bt full
#0  0xb73587cd in ?? () from /lib/
No symbol table info available.
#1  0xb741a120 in ?? () from /lib/
No symbol table info available.
#2  0xb741a128 in ?? () from /lib/
No symbol table info available.
#3  0xb741a144 in ?? () from /lib/
No symbol table info available.
#4  0x0836bed8 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#5  0xb741a150 in ?? () from /lib/
No symbol table info available.
#6  0x0836bed8 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#7  0x00000010 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#8  0xb7418ff4 in ?? () from /lib/
No symbol table info available.
#9  0xb741a120 in ?? () from /lib/
No symbol table info available.
#10 0x00000400 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#11 0xbfc063ac in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#12 0xb735a67a in ?? () from /lib/
No symbol table info available.
#13 0xbfc06368 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#14 0xb686297a in yahoo_fetch_aliases () from /usr/lib/purple-2/
No symbol table info available.
Backtrace stopped: previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?)

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1.delete ~/.purple
2.add YIM account (I happen to be using socks5 proxy) OK, crash...

Actual Results:  

Expected Results:  
See buddy list

I am new at submitting bug reports, forgive me if I did it badly. :)
Comment 1 Olivier Crete (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-10-26 01:29:02 UTC
Please try 2.2.2
Comment 2 Olivier Crete (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-02-16 19:53:27 UTC
if no one can reproduce, lets close