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Bug 193249 - sys-fs/ocfs2-tools version bump to 1.4.1 + sanitized linux-headers patch
Summary: sys-fs/ocfs2-tools version bump to 1.4.1 + sanitized linux-headers patch
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Gentoo Cluster Team
Keywords: Inclusion, PMASKED
: 170760 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Blocks: sane-linux-headers 241416
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2007-09-20 21:21 UTC by pakar
Modified: 2010-09-10 18:51 UTC (History)
16 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

the ebuild (ocfs2-tools-1.2.6.overlay.tar.gz,6.10 KB, text/plain)
2007-09-20 21:22 UTC, pakar
a patch for the ocfs2-tools folders then.. (ocsfsebuild.patch,7.19 KB, text/plain)
2007-09-21 05:50 UTC, pakar
a patch for the ocfs2-tools folders then.. (ocsfsebuild.patch,7.19 KB, patch)
2007-09-21 05:50 UTC, pakar
Details | Diff
diff of the ebuilds (ocfs.diff,1.10 KB, patch)
2007-09-21 20:10 UTC, pakar
Details | Diff
the asm/page.h removal patch. (page-h.patch,353 bytes, text/plain)
2007-09-21 20:10 UTC, pakar
1.2.1 - 1.2.7 diff for ebuild file (diff_1.2.1_1.2.7.ebuild.patch,1.86 KB, patch)
2008-01-08 11:38 UTC, Dmitriy MiksIr
Details | Diff
1.2.1 - 1.2.7 diff for ebuild file (diff_1.2.1_1.2.7.ebuild.patch,1.67 KB, patch)
2008-01-09 15:34 UTC, Dmitriy MiksIr
Details | Diff
ocfs2-tools-1.3.9 full ebuild (ocfs2-tools-1.3.9.ebuild,2.00 KB, text/plain)
2008-01-10 22:11 UTC, Brian Kroth
1.2.1 - 1.2.7 diff for ebuild file (diff_1.2.1_1.2.7.ebuild.patch,1.41 KB, patch)
2008-01-12 12:51 UTC, Dmitriy MiksIr
Details | Diff
Ebuild for ocfs2 tools v.1.3.9 and v.1.2.7 (ocfs2-tools-1.3.9.ebuild,1.94 KB, text/plain)
2008-01-12 13:03 UTC, Dmitriy MiksIr
Updated ebuilds, scripts, and INSTALL.GENTOO (ocfs2-ebuilds.tar.bz2,5.95 KB, application/octet-stream)
2008-03-05 21:15 UTC, Brian Kroth
Updated init script to support ocfs2 when built into kernel or as modules. (ocfs2.init,3.79 KB, text/plain)
2008-08-20 19:12 UTC, Brian Kroth
Ebuild version bump. (ocfs2-tools-1.4.1.ebuild,1.94 KB, text/plain)
2008-08-20 19:13 UTC, Brian Kroth
ocfsv2 cluster management (o2cb,35.18 KB, text/plain)
2008-11-29 22:15 UTC, Pierre Colot
rc script to handle ocfsv2 cluster (ocfs2,2.47 KB, text/plain)
2008-11-29 22:18 UTC, Pierre Colot
ocfs2console modified to use o2cb (,4.79 KB, text/plain)
2008-11-29 22:20 UTC, Pierre Colot
1.4.1 ebuild patch + files/ocsf2-limits.patch (1.4.1-limits.patch,1.10 KB, patch)
2009-02-09 11:25 UTC, Denis Kaganovich
Details | Diff
Updated init script (checking /proc/config.gz too) (ocfs2.init,4.12 KB, text/plain)
2009-02-10 09:42 UTC, Denis Kaganovich
OCFS2 Tools Ebuild (ocfs2-tools-1.4.2.ebuild,1.94 KB, text/plain)
2009-07-01 07:55 UTC, Rene Kanzler
ocfs2-tools-1.4.2.ebuild (ocfs2-tools-1.4.2.ebuild,1.95 KB, text/plain)
2009-07-01 13:57 UTC, Denis Kaganovich

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description pakar 2007-09-20 21:21:46 UTC
Updated ocfs2-tools-1.2.6 ebuild with page.h patch and correctly looks up the lib-folder.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
Comment 1 pakar 2007-09-20 21:22:54 UTC
Created attachment 131462 [details]
the ebuild
Comment 2 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-09-20 22:11:54 UTC
�����F��[�s�F�ί�_�K{ʗH�[c9Q$��DW���ٚ*U_ ���%+�߾_7@��e+Q9����"���w~�

??? Please, attach a plaintext diff against current ebuild.
Comment 3 pakar 2007-09-21 05:50:00 UTC
Created attachment 131483 [details]
a patch for the ocfs2-tools folders then..
Comment 4 pakar 2007-09-21 05:50:13 UTC
Created attachment 131484 [details, diff]
a patch for the ocfs2-tools folders then..
Comment 5 pakar 2007-09-21 05:52:34 UTC
attached a patch for the ebuild. Have not dug into the pages to see if there are any guides on how to submit ebuild, except that they point to this pace.. Maybe an idea could be to display some type of simple howto if someone selects to submit a new ebuild just to make it clear on what format you might want it.
Comment 6 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-09-21 06:19:19 UTC
Sigh... I meant running `diff -Nau ocfs2-tools-1.2.1.ebuild ocfs2-tools-1.2.6.ebuild` - not so hard? :)
Comment 7 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-09-21 06:19:24 UTC
*** Bug 170760 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 8 pakar 2007-09-21 20:09:17 UTC
(In reply to comment #6)
> Sigh... I meant running `diff -Nau ocfs2-tools-1.2.1.ebuild
> ocfs2-tools-1.2.6.ebuild` - not so hard? :)

First time i submit a ebuild so the procedure is new to me :D
diff -Nau ocfs2-tools-1.2.1.ebuild ocfs2-tools-1.2.6.ebuild

Comment 9 pakar 2007-09-21 20:10:02 UTC
Created attachment 131555 [details, diff]
diff of the ebuilds
Comment 10 pakar 2007-09-21 20:10:41 UTC
Created attachment 131556 [details]
the asm/page.h removal patch.
Comment 11 r01 2007-10-23 03:50:11 UTC
I tested the latest ocfs-1.2.6 and page-h.patch, those all work well,
so request them into mainline.
Comment 12 Michael Moody 2007-11-30 00:39:11 UTC
OCFS2-Tools is now up to 1.3.9 ( Though there is also version 1.2.7.

The ebuild should be update to reflect this, as 1.3.9 comes with many updates allowing access to new features included in the ocfs2 mainline kernel codebase.
Comment 13 Donnie Berkholz (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-11-30 07:51:43 UTC
The 1.4-prerelease stuff wasn't posted on their announce list, but I found it on the devel list -- it looks safe to add since it's backwards-compatible, and they suggested sticking with 1.2 only for enterprise distros.
Comment 14 Dmitriy MiksIr 2008-01-08 11:30:08 UTC
Diff for 1.2.7. 
Added more manpages, original o2cb.init and o2cb.sysconfig moved to doc dir (or may be remove it?).
page.h patch not needed.
Comment 15 Dmitriy MiksIr 2008-01-08 11:38:16 UTC
Created attachment 140464 [details, diff]
1.2.1 - 1.2.7 diff for ebuild file
Comment 16 Dmitriy MiksIr 2008-01-08 11:56:26 UTC
for 1.3.9 only rename of 1.2.7 ebuild needed.
1.2.7 and 1.3.9 was successfully build on amd64 by me.
Comment 17 Dmitriy MiksIr 2008-01-09 15:34:49 UTC
Created attachment 140548 [details, diff]
1.2.1 - 1.2.7 diff for ebuild file

Also removed doman (manpages already exists in image dir)
Comment 18 Brian Kroth 2008-01-10 22:11:02 UTC
Created attachment 140632 [details]
ocfs2-tools-1.3.9 full ebuild

The latest patch failed for me.  Also, I extended the hack at the end to put /include under /usr/.
Comment 19 Dmitriy MiksIr 2008-01-11 10:40:02 UTC
What's failed?
And `mv "${D}"/lib "${D}"/usr' will fail on 64bit system
Comment 20 Brian Kroth 2008-01-11 15:42:10 UTC
(In reply to comment #19)
> What's failed?
> And `mv "${D}"/lib "${D}"/usr' will fail on 64bit system

I got this output from patch, so I just applied it by hand.  I think I probably needed to apply ocfs.diff first.  Anyways, I thought it better to send the whole ebuild this time around in case others ran into that as well.  I can put another one up with the amd64 stuff if you like - it's just missing the keyword, inherit eutils, and the $(get_libdir) section.

# patch ocfs2-tools-1.2.1.ebuild diff_1.2.1_1.2.7.ebuild.patch 
patching file ocfs2-tools-1.2.1.ebuild
Hunk #1 FAILED at 36.
Hunk #2 FAILED at 61.
2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file ocfs2-tools-1.2.1.ebuild.rej
Comment 21 Dmitriy MiksIr 2008-01-12 12:51:03 UTC
Created attachment 140799 [details, diff]
1.2.1 - 1.2.7 diff for ebuild file

fix spaces for apply patch
Comment 22 Dmitriy MiksIr 2008-01-12 13:03:19 UTC
Created attachment 140801 [details]
Ebuild for ocfs2 tools v.1.3.9 and v.1.2.7
Comment 23 Stefan Hellermann 2008-02-29 23:33:13 UTC
I tried the ocfs2-tools-1.39.ebuild, but it does not work.

>>> Completed installing ocfs2-tools-1.3.9 into /var/tmp/portage/sys-fs/ocfs2-tools-1.3.9/image/

ecompressdir: bzip2 -9 /usr/share/man
strip: i686-pc-linux-gnu-strip --strip-unneeded -R .comment
removing executable bit: lib/libo2cb.a
removing executable bit: lib/libo2dlm.a
removing executable bit: lib/libocfs2.a

 * QA Notice: Excessive files found in the / partition
 * /var/tmp/portage/sys-fs/ocfs2-tools-1.3.9/image/lib/libo2cb.a

 * ERROR: sys-fs/ocfs2-tools-1.3.9 failed.
 * Call stack:
 *, line 609:  Called install_qa_check
 *, line 268:  Called die
 * The specific snippet of code:
 *   		die "static archives (*.a) and libtool library files (*.la) do not belong in /"
 *  The die message:
 *   static archives (*.a) and libtool library files (*.la) do not belong in /

The src_install() contains make instead of emake, a FIXME ..., is this all needed?

emerge --info
Portage (default-linux/x86/dev/2007.1, gcc-4.2.3, glibc-2.7-r1, 2.6.25-rc3-via i686)
System uname: 2.6.25-rc3-via i686 VIA C7 Processor 1800MHz
Timestamp of tree: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 14:00:01 +0000
app-shells/bash:     3.2_p17-r1
dev-lang/python:     2.4.4-r6
dev-python/pycrypto: 2.0.1-r6
sys-apps/baselayout: 2.0.0
sys-devel/autoconf:  2.61-r1
sys-devel/automake:  1.10.1
sys-devel/binutils:  2.18-r1
sys-devel/gcc-config: 1.4.0-r4
sys-devel/libtool:   1.5.26
virtual/os-headers:  2.6.24
CFLAGS="-O2 -march=native -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe"
CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK="/etc/env.d /etc/gconf /etc/gentoo-release /etc/revdep-rebuild /etc/terminfo"
CXXFLAGS="-O2 -march=native -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe"
FEATURES="distlocks metadata-transfer noinfo parallel-fetch sandbox sfperms strict unmerge-orphans userfetch"
MAKEOPTS="-s -j2"
PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS="--recursive --links --safe-links --perms --times --compress --force --whole-file --delete --stats --timeout=180 --exclude=/distfiles --exclude=/local --exclude=/packages"
PORTDIR_OVERLAY="/usr/portage/local/layman/nouveau /usr/portage/local/layman/xen /usr/portage/local/layman/openrc /usr/portage/local"
USE="ipv6 minimal pam readline unicode x86 zlib" ALSA_CARDS="ali5451 als4000 atiixp atiixp-modem bt87x ca0106 cmipci emu10k1 emu10k1x ens1370 ens1371 es1938 es1968 fm801 hda-intel intel8x0 intel8x0m 	maestro3 trident usb-audio via82xx via82xx-modem ymfpci" ALSA_PCM_PLUGINS="adpcm alaw asym copy dmix dshare dsnoop empty extplug file hooks iec958 ioplug ladspa lfloat linear meter mulaw multi null plug rate route share shm softvol" APACHE2_MODULES="actions alias auth_basic authn_alias authn_anon authn_dbm authn_default authn_file authz_dbm authz_default authz_groupfile authz_host authz_owner authz_user autoindex cache dav dav_fs dav_lock deflate dir disk_cache env expires ext_filter file_cache filter headers include info log_config logio mem_cache mime mime_magic negotiation rewrite setenvif speling status unique_id userdir usertrack vhost_alias" ELIBC="glibc" INPUT_DEVICES="keyboard mouse evdev" KERNEL="linux" LCD_DEVICES="bayrad cfontz cfontz633 glk hd44780 lb216 lcdm001 mtxorb ncurses text" USERLAND="GNU" VIDEO_CARDS="apm ark chips cirrus cyrix dummy fbdev glint i128 i740 i810 imstt 	mach64 mga neomagic nsc nv r128 radeon rendition s3 s3virge savage 	siliconmotion sis sisusb tdfx tga trident tseng v4l vesa vga via vmware 	voodoo"

Comment 24 Alexandre Racine 2008-03-05 20:16:32 UTC
I too have a bug. Here is what I have done... (just to be sure that everything is okay)
My overlay is in /usr/local/portage and I added the ocfs2-tools-1.3.9 ~x86 in the package.keywords...

mkdir -p /usr/local/portage/sys-fs/ocfs2-tools
cd /usr/local/portage/sys-fs/ocfs2-tools
mv att* ocfs2-tools-1.3.9.ebuild
ebuild ocfs2-tools-1.3.9.ebuild digest
emerge -avt ocfs2-tools

/bin/sh ./mkinstalldirs /var/tmp/portage/sys-fs/ocfs2-tools-1.3.9/image///lib/pkgconfig
mkdir -p -- /var/tmp/portage/sys-fs/ocfs2-tools-1.3.9/image///lib/pkgconfig
for p in o2cb.pc o2dlm.pc ocfs2.pc; do \
          /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 $p /var/tmp/portage/sys-fs/ocfs2-tools-1.3.9/image///lib/pkgconfig/$p; \
dodoc: /usr/local/portage/sys-fs/ocfs2-tools/files/INSTALL.GENTOO does not exist
cp: cannot stat `/usr/local/portage/sys-fs/ocfs2-tools/files/ocfs2.init': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `/usr/local/portage/sys-fs/ocfs2-tools/files/ocfs2.conf': No such file or directory
/var/tmp/portage/sys-fs/ocfs2-tools-1.3.9/temp/environment: line 98: get_libdir: command not found
mv: cannot move `/var/tmp/portage/sys-fs/ocfs2-tools-1.3.9/image//' to a subdirectory of itself, `/var/tmp/portage/sys-fs/ocfs2-tools-1.3.9/image//usr/image'
>>> Completed installing ocfs2-tools-1.3.9 into /var/tmp/portage/sys-fs/ocfs2-tools-1.3.9/image/

ecompressdir: bzip2 -9 /usr/share/man
strip: i686-pc-linux-gnu-strip --strip-unneeded -R .comment
removing executable bit: lib/libo2cb.a
removing executable bit: lib/libo2dlm.a
removing executable bit: lib/libocfs2.a

 * QA Notice: Excessive files found in the / partition
 * /var/tmp/portage/sys-fs/ocfs2-tools-1.3.9/image/lib/libo2cb.a

 * ERROR: sys-fs/ocfs2-tools-1.3.9 failed.
 * Call stack:
 *, line 609:  Called install_qa_check
 *, line 268:  Called die
 * The specific snippet of code:
 *              die "static archives (*.a) and libtool library files (*.la) do not belong in /"
 *  The die message:
 *   static archives (*.a) and libtool library files (*.la) do not belong in /
 * If you need support, post the topmost build error, and the call stack if relevant.
 * A complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/sys-fs/ocfs2-tools-1.3.9/temp/build.log'.
 * The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/sys-fs/ocfs2-tools-1.3.9/temp/environment'.
 * This ebuild is from an overlay: '/usr/local/portage/'
!!! install_qa_check failed; exiting.

 * Messages for package sys-fs/ocfs2-tools-1.3.9:

 * ERROR: sys-fs/ocfs2-tools-1.3.9 failed.
 * Call stack:
 *, line 609:  Called install_qa_check
 *, line 268:  Called die
 * The specific snippet of code:
 *              die "static archives (*.a) and libtool library files (*.la) do not belong in /"
 *  The die message:
 *   static archives (*.a) and libtool library files (*.la) do not belong in /
 * If you need support, post the topmost build error, and the call stack if relevant.
 * A complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/sys-fs/ocfs2-tools-1.3.9/temp/build.log'.
 * The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/sys-fs/ocfs2-tools-1.3.9/temp/environment'.
 * This ebuild is from an overlay: '/usr/local/portage/'


# emerge --info
Portage (default-linux/x86/2007.0, gcc-4.1.2, glibc-2.6.1-r0, 2.6.23-gentoo-r8 i686)
System uname: 2.6.23-gentoo-r8 i686 Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.60GHz
Timestamp of tree: Wed, 05 Mar 2008 19:30:01 +0000
ccache version 2.4 [disabled]
app-shells/bash:     3.2_p17-r1
dev-lang/python:     2.4.4-r6
dev-python/pycrypto: 2.0.1-r6
dev-util/ccache:     2.4-r7
sys-apps/baselayout: 1.12.10-r5
sys-devel/autoconf:  2.61-r1
sys-devel/automake:  1.7.9-r1, 1.8.5-r3, 1.10
sys-devel/binutils:  2.18-r1
sys-devel/gcc-config: 1.4.0-r4
sys-devel/libtool:   1.5.24
virtual/os-headers:  2.6.23-r3
CFLAGS="-O2 -march=pentium4 -mtune=pentium4 -ftracer -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe -fforce-addr -fprefetch-loop-arrays"
CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK="/etc/env.d /etc/fonts/fonts.conf /etc/gconf /etc/php/apache2-php5/ext-active/ /etc/php/cgi-php5/ext-active/ /etc/php/cli-php5/ext-active/ /etc/revdep-rebuild /etc/terminfo /etc/udev/rules.d"
CXXFLAGS="-O2 -march=pentium4 -mtune=pentium4 -ftracer -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe -fforce-addr -fprefetch-loop-arrays"
FEATURES="distlocks metadata-transfer sandbox sfperms strict unmerge-orphans userfetch"
PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS="--recursive --links --safe-links --perms --times --compress --force --whole-file --delete --stats --timeout=180 --exclude=/distfiles --exclude=/local --exclude=/packages"
USE="X acl apache2 berkdb cdr cli cracklib crypt cups dri dvd fortran gd gdbm gpm gtk gtk2 iconv ipv6 isdnlog kde kdgraphics midi mudflap ncurses nls nptl nptlonly openmp pam pcre perl pic pppd python qt readline reflection session spl ssl tcpd unicode x86 xorg zlib" ALSA_CARDS="ali5451 als4000 atiixp atiixp-modem bt87x ca0106 cmipci emu10k1 emu10k1x ens1370 ens1371 es1938 es1968 fm801 hda-intel intel8x0 intel8x0m maestro3 trident usb-audio via82xx via82xx-modem ymfpci" ALSA_PCM_PLUGINS="adpcm alaw asym copy dmix dshare dsnoop empty extplug file hooks iec958 ioplug ladspa lfloat linear meter mulaw multi null plug rate route share shm softvol" APACHE2_MODULES="actions alias auth_basic authn_alias authn_anon authn_dbm authn_default authn_file authz_dbm authz_default authz_groupfile authz_host authz_owner authz_user autoindex cache dav dav_fs dav_lock deflate dir disk_cache env expires ext_filter file_cache filter headers include info log_config logio mem_cache mime mime_magic negotiation rewrite setenvif speling status unique_id userdir usertrack vhost_alias" ELIBC="glibc" INPUT_DEVICES="keyboard mouse evdev" KERNEL="linux" LCD_DEVICES="bayrad cfontz cfontz633 glk hd44780 lb216 lcdm001 mtxorb ncurses text" USERLAND="GNU" VIDEO_CARDS="RADEON"

I am pretty new to overlays and ebuilds... so I hope that what is here is okay. Just trying to make things work :)
Comment 25 Brian Kroth 2008-03-05 21:15:09 UTC
Created attachment 145385 [details]
Updated ebuilds, scripts, and INSTALL.GENTOO

The previous ebuild was missing "inherit eutils".  This tar also includes updated init/conf files and INSTALL.GENTOO to satisfy bug #204731.
Comment 26 Alexandre Racine 2008-03-05 21:43:52 UTC
Alright, it compile with this new ebuilds!

But there is just a little typo...
 * Messages for package sys-fs/ocfs2-tools-1.3.9:

 * Read /usr/share/doc/ocfs2-tools-1.3.9/INSTALL.GENTOO.gz for instructions
 * about how to install, configure and run ocfs2.
 * GNU info directory index is up-to-date.
TORQUE2 sys-fs # less /usr/share/doc/ocfs2-tools-1.3.9/INSTALL.GENTOO.gz
/usr/share/doc/ocfs2-tools-1.3.9/INSTALL.GENTOO.gz: No such file or directory

The correct file is /usr/share/doc/ocfs2-tools-1.3.9/INSTALL.GENTOO.bz2 so the message should reflect that...
Comment 27 Richard Scott 2008-04-01 13:04:46 UTC
I've just installed and configured ocfs2-tools-1.3.9 and it looks good to me :-)

It's simple to setup with drbd having active/active nodes too!

Thanks for all the hard work on this one.
Comment 28 Stefan Behte (RETIRED) gentoo-dev Security 2008-07-02 18:27:20 UTC
When is this going to portage? I'm not meaning to create pressure, I'd just like to test it in a few weeks or so (if it's available then)...
Comment 29 Charlie 2008-07-19 10:45:18 UTC
First of all thank you for your hard work.
I was able to emerge and use ocfs2-tools-1.3.9 in amd64 (with xen).
There is only one small "glitch", the rc script for ocfs2 checks the readiness of several modules required to run ocfs2, but if the modules are built-in in the Kernel this step fails.

Maybe you get a good idea on how this could be resolved without having to compile the ocfs/configurefs as module, or comment out the check in the rc. 
Comment 30 Brian Kroth 2008-08-20 19:12:10 UTC
Created attachment 163408 [details]
Updated init script to support ocfs2 when built into kernel or as modules.
Comment 31 Brian Kroth 2008-08-20 19:13:32 UTC
Created attachment 163410 [details]
Ebuild version bump.

Just a renamed copy of 1.3.9 ebuild to support the latest version.  Only tested on x86.
Comment 32 Richard Scott 2008-11-07 14:33:25 UTC
Do we patch ocfs2-tools for this heartbeat bug?

I'm getting it on two of my systems :-(
Comment 33 Brian Kroth 2008-11-07 14:50:11 UTC
(In reply to comment #32)
> Do we patch ocfs2-tools for this heartbeat bug?
> I'm getting it on two of my systems :-(

The patch listed in that bug is a patch to the kernel's fs code.  The ocfs2-tools package is just the set of mkfs, fsck, etc. tools.  In gentoo the ocfs2 fs code is just contained in the mainline kernel, so I'd suggest that you check for a more updated kernel and/or file the details of your bug with the oracle ocfs2 or gentoo kernel guys.
Comment 34 Richard Scott 2008-11-07 14:59:44 UTC
(In reply to comment #33)
> The patch listed in that bug is a patch to the kernel's fs code.

Gulp.... so it is! 
I'd not noticed that :-(
Perhaps that's why its not fixed my issue LMAO!
Comment 35 Oleg Gawriloff 2008-11-27 18:12:53 UTC
After upgrading to linux-2.6.26-gentoo-r3 from linux-2.6.25-gentoo-r7
Cannot mount ocfs2 volumes with this ebuild any more.
It fails with error:
Nov 27 20:08:43 falcon-cl3 o2net: accepted connection from node falcon-cl2 (num 2) at
Nov 27 20:08:47 falcon-cl3 ocfs2: Cluster stack driver "o2cb" cannot be found
Nov 27 20:08:47 falcon-cl3 (16189,0):ocfs2_dlm_init:2636 ERROR: status = -2
Nov 27 20:08:47 falcon-cl3 (16189,0):ocfs2_mount_volume:1208 ERROR: status = -2
Nov 27 20:08:47 falcon-cl3 ocfs2: Unmounting device (8,0) on (node 0)

Further investigation show loaded kernel module:
According to: I should have not problem with classic stack. But it seems that its not true.
Comment 36 Brian Kroth 2008-11-28 02:26:15 UTC
(In reply to comment #35)
> After upgrading to linux-2.6.26-gentoo-r3 from linux-2.6.25-gentoo-r7
> Cannot mount ocfs2 volumes with this ebuild any more.
> It fails with error:
> Nov 27 20:08:43 falcon-cl3 o2net: accepted connection from node falcon-cl2 (num
> 2) at
> Nov 27 20:08:47 falcon-cl3 ocfs2: Cluster stack driver "o2cb" cannot be found
> Nov 27 20:08:47 falcon-cl3 (16189,0):ocfs2_dlm_init:2636 ERROR: status = -2
> Nov 27 20:08:47 falcon-cl3 (16189,0):ocfs2_mount_volume:1208 ERROR: status = -2
> Nov 27 20:08:47 falcon-cl3 ocfs2: Unmounting device (8,0) on (node 0)
> Further investigation show loaded kernel module:
> ocfs2_stackglue
> According to: I
> should have not problem with classic stack. But it seems that its not true.

2.6.26 added preliminary (read not necessarily stable) support for the rhcs (openais/cman/dlm) style cluster communication.  I haven't upgraded yet, but if you're still intending to use the  ocfs2 cluster stack I believe you'll need to "modprobe ocfs2_stack_o2cb".
Comment 37 Pierre Colot 2008-11-29 19:02:22 UTC
Thanks for the ebuild but ...

As a total newbie to ocfs2, I had to resolve the following problems 
to be able to mount an ocfs2 partition :

- The /etc/init.d/ocfs2 is only working with ocfs2 compiled as modules
- The /etc/init.d/ocfs2 masks the error message by redirecting them to null
- The ocfs2console doesn't allow to Configure Nodes from the Cluster menu.
- The emerged /etc/ocfs2/cluster.conf is not a running as-is
- The /etc/conf.d/ocfs2 contains some values different from original ocfs2 package

 * If all the ocfs2 packages are compiled in the kernel, remove the module check. I finally found the original o2cb had a detailed checking, we should probably maybe reuse.
 * The result from o2cb_ctl should be displayed

 * The ocfs2console use o2cb command to load, make online or check the status of the cluster.
 * As this command o2cb has been replaced by our /etc/init.d/ocfs2 script, the Configure Nodes from the Cluster menu failed with a misleading error message "Could not query the state of th cluster stack. This must be resolved before any OCFS2 filesystemcan be mounted"
 * I propose to install a reduced and gentooized version of o2cb - without daemon start/stop/restart - in /sbin. The python class o2cb_ctl in ocfs2interface package has to be modified. The O2CB_INIT constant has to point to o2cb.

 * The default cluster.conf created by emerge should at least contains the 
correct configuration of the local node.

 * The configuration file should contain all the potential variable with a comment. Lot of additional variables seem to exist in the original o2cb.

Finally, allowing to boot the root partition on a clusterized partition should be ported from the original ocfs2packaging. It could be fine to have the same integration has LVM and EVMS.

Thanks for the already done job


Comment 38 Pierre Colot 2008-11-29 22:13:28 UTC
Port of o2cb as support wrapped command in /sbin
Review of /etc/init.d/ocfs2 and delegation to o2cb
Add /etc/init.d/ocfs2 status to get the cluster status 
Comment 39 Pierre Colot 2008-11-29 22:15:50 UTC
Created attachment 173821 [details]
ocfsv2 cluster management

This file should be placed in /sbin
Comment 40 Pierre Colot 2008-11-29 22:18:05 UTC
Created attachment 173822 [details]
rc script to handle ocfsv2 cluster

Replace /etc/init.d/ocfs2
Comment 41 Pierre Colot 2008-11-29 22:20:20 UTC
Created attachment 173824 [details]
ocfs2console modified to use o2cb

ocfs2console modified to use o2cb and not /etc/init.d/o2cb
This file has to be placed as /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ocfs2interface/
Comment 42 Denis Kaganovich 2009-02-09 11:25:49 UTC
Created attachment 181426 [details, diff]
1.4.1 ebuild patch + files/ocsf2-limits.patch

Compilation problems with latest glibc (?). Unlinked from <limits.h>. Patch attached.
Comment 43 Richard Scott 2009-02-09 12:24:45 UTC
> Compilation problems with latest glibc (?). Unlinked from <limits.h>. Patch
> attached. 

I've not had any issues with the ebuild from Brian Kroth using the following:


Are you using a newer glibc than this one?
Comment 44 Denis Kaganovich 2009-02-10 09:29:05 UTC
(In reply to comment #43)

> sys-libs/glibc-2.6.1
> Are you using a newer glibc than this one?

Latest. sys-libs/glibc-2.9_p20081201-r1
Comment 45 Denis Kaganovich 2009-02-10 09:42:46 UTC
Created attachment 181533 [details]
Updated init script (checking /proc/config.gz too)
Comment 46 Denis Kaganovich 2009-02-21 17:45:16 UTC
I found problem, but unsure to reproducing it in "stable" environment and in target package to report. I use:


But same place exists in ocfs2-tools-1.2.1.ebuild:
after "keepdir /dlm", portage try to merge this file to current "/dlm" - on working system with mounted ocfs2_dlmfs and fall to error (permission denied).
I use next:

test -e /dlm || keepdir /dlm

- but this may produce packaging problems (IMHO better then merge problem).

PS Also ocfs2-tools-1.4.1.tar.gz from Oracle have no "ocfs2cdsl" package included (found in git repository).
Comment 47 Denis Kaganovich 2009-02-21 18:37:57 UTC
(to my last post)

test -e "${ROOT}"/dlm || keepdir /dlm
Comment 48 Richard Scott 2009-03-31 11:27:18 UTC

I've just tried the latest patch and I still get this error:

MP -MF ./.client_proto.d -o client_proto.o -c client_proto.c
client_proto.c: In function `parse_itemcount':
client_proto.c:228: error: `LONG_MAX' undeclared (first use in this function)
client_proto.c:228: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
client_proto.c:228: error: for each function it appears in.)
client_proto.c:228: error: `UINT_MAX' undeclared (first use in this function)
client_proto.c: In function `parse_status':
client_proto.c:248: error: `LONG_MIN' undeclared (first use in this function)
client_proto.c:248: error: `LONG_MAX' undeclared (first use in this function)
client_proto.c:249: error: `INT_MIN' undeclared (first use in this function)
client_proto.c:249: error: `INT_MAX' undeclared (first use in this function)
make[1]: *** [client_proto.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/var/tmp/portage/sys-fs/ocfs2-tools-1.4.1/work/ocfs2-tools-1.4.1/libo2cb'
make: *** [libo2cb] Error 2

This error has only started happening since I upgraded to glibc-2.8_p20080602-r1
It happens on both amd64 and x86 systems running the hardened profile.


Comment 49 Richard Scott 2009-04-02 11:25:31 UTC
(In reply to comment #48)
> I've just tried the latest patch and I still get this error:

ok, cancel that... i've done it correctly now and it works now.
The fact the "limits" diff has more than one diff inside it confused me :-(
Comment 50 Philipp Riegger 2009-04-11 11:45:16 UTC
Is this going anywhere, like into the tree or into some overlay?
Comment 51 Charlie 2009-05-01 22:22:41 UTC
issue described in #46 , #47 also happens with ebuild 1.3.9.
keep /dll fails with permision denied, on amd64 hardened with glibc 2.8_p20080602-r1 and mounted cluster
Comment 52 Rene Kanzler 2009-07-01 07:55:17 UTC
Created attachment 196229 [details]
OCFS2 Tools Ebuild

Ebuild version bump. The ocsf2-limits.patch is no longer needed.
Comment 53 Denis Kaganovich 2009-07-01 12:20:53 UTC
I suggest to change 'keepdir /dlm' to 'mkdir "${D}"/dlm' to solve problem, described in Comment #46. This way packaged and installed without problem in current environment on new or running system (just without empty file inside).
Comment 54 Denis Kaganovich 2009-07-01 13:57:17 UTC
Created attachment 196249 [details]

There are fixed Comment #46, Bug #272943, Bug #258122.
Comment 55 Phattanon Duangdara 2009-08-24 03:12:08 UTC
Where config taken from ? None in above attachments  ...

newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/ocfs2.conf ocfs2
Comment 56 Richard Scott 2009-08-24 17:29:39 UTC
(In reply to comment #55)
> Where config taken from ? None in above attachments  ...
> newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/ocfs2.conf ocfs2

This file is in the "ocfs2-ebuilds.tar.bz2" tarball listed.
Comment 57 Denis Kaganovich 2009-12-01 19:42:22 UTC
(In reply to comment #56)
> (In reply to comment #55)
> > Where config taken from ? None in above attachments  ...
> > 
> > newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/ocfs2.conf ocfs2
> > 
> This file is in the "ocfs2-ebuilds.tar.bz2" tarball listed.

Yes. Or in "raw" overlay. v1.4.3 now.
Directly here:
Comment 58 Richard Scott 2009-12-03 09:36:24 UTC
ocfs2 v1.4.4 is now out... However, Oracle have changed the filename you donwnload to this:


this means that just changing the ebuild name doesn't help try the new version :-(
Also, I can't yet get v1.4.4 to compile :-(
Comment 59 Brian Kroth 2009-12-03 15:20:27 UTC
(In reply to comment #58)
> ocfs2 v1.4.4 is now out... However, Oracle have changed the filename you
> donwnload to this:
> ocfs2-1.4.4.tar.gz
> this means that just changing the ebuild name doesn't help try the new version
> :-(
> Also, I can't yet get v1.4.4 to compile :-(

That would be the tar for the ocfs2 filesystem itself, which you don't need
since it's in the mainline kernel.  If you want to update that piece, update
your kernel.

These ebuilds are for the ocfs2-tools package (mkfs.ocfs2(8), fsck.ocfs2(8),
tunefs.ocfs2(8), mount.ocfs2(8) and debugfs.ocfs2(8), etc.).  The latest
version for that is 1.4.3.

I haven't tested it but you should be able to rename the current ebuild to
1.4.3 and try to build it.  If it doesn't work, post the errors.

Comment 60 Christian Faulhammer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-12-29 20:52:56 UTC
Removed from Portage
Comment 61 Richard Scott 2009-12-30 10:10:00 UTC
(In reply to comment #60)
> Removed from Portage

Why have you removed this from portage? version 1.4.2 works just fine, someone just needs to include it into the tree and it will solve this whole issue.

Infact, the 1.4.2 ebuild on this bug report works also for 1.4.3!

Just because you don't understand how to fix it, doesn't mean its broken!
Comment 62 Denis Kaganovich 2010-01-05 12:20:53 UTC
(In reply to comment #61)

> > Removed from Portage
> Just because you don't understand how to fix it, doesn't mean its broken!

IMHO maintainer problem...
I "supporting" this ebuild for own usage and publish in overlay, but not yet registered as developer and not teach about maintainer/developer realm. And not ready (IMHO) to be always in-touch on public to start learn this process...
Comment 63 Richard Scott 2010-04-04 21:07:32 UTC
> IMHO maintainer problem...
> I "supporting" this ebuild for own usage and publish in overlay, but not yet
> registered as developer and not teach about maintainer/developer realm. And not
> ready (IMHO) to be always in-touch on public to start learn this process...

I would suggest leaving the package there rather than removing it without notice. There are other packages that have no maintainer and they are still in the tree. Why not leave it there until someone claims it, especially as some of us are still using it on a daily basis!

Thank you for your help, but please put this back in the tree.
