When upgrading asterisk (the last time it was to net-misc/asterisk- but it happened with the previous version too), not modified config files are removed from /etc/asterisk/ and asterisk cannot be started then. I talked about it with cardoe on irc and it came out that the problem is that asterisk ebuild relies on a bug in older portage where the config files were not removed. Unfortunately with newer versions of portage (I have sys-apps/portage-2.1.3_rc8) it works as described above. So the solution would be to install config files in /etc/asterisk/ even on upgrades.
Patches welcome!
Created attachment 182858 [details, diff] Don't clobber configuration files upon upgrade
Reassigning to chainsaw as he is now the asterisk maintainer.
I believe this is no longer an issue in 1.2.32 which is currently in the tree. Should you disagree, could you please reopen this bug. Thank you.