minimal install freezes at probing IDE interface ide0 Reproducible: Always hardware I am using: motherboard: GA-M57SLI-S4 processor: Opteron 1210 cd/dvd drive: LG GSA-H54NK
Can you try a CD from another distro, such as Knoppix? Most likely, this is a kernel issue.
(In reply to comment #1) > Can you try a CD from another distro, such as Knoppix? Most likely, this is a > kernel issue. > knoppix just freezes at a blank screen.
Ok, so it's likely hitting the same issue, which means this is an upstream kernel problem. There's nothing we can do about this until the next release.
Can you see if this is still an issue for you with 2008.0 Beta 1?
It works when acpi=off kernel argument is used.