"Three years in the making, Inform 7 is a radical reinvention of the way interactive fiction is designed, guided both by contemporary work in semantics and by the practical experience of some of the world's best-known writers of IF."
Created attachment 124575 [details] inform-7.4u_p65.ebuild * The version number is a little weird, but it's my best attempt at squeezing the upstream versioning (Inform 7 4U65) into the ebuild format. * Since this version is very different from previous versions of the language, I put it in a new SLOT. * This version is currently binary-only (the website claims "source code is likely to be published in due course"). The commented KEYWORDS line shows the architectures that it's available for, but I've only tested on amd64. * There's some other weirdness, but hopefully it's explained well enough in the comments.
Created attachment 124577 [details, diff] inform7-4U65-paths.patch
Created attachment 126140 [details, diff] inform7-4U65-paths.patch Small update: use frotz by default instead of dfrotz.
Created attachment 129140 [details] inform-7.4x_p60.ebuild Bump to 4X60.
Created attachment 136112 [details] inform-7.5g_p67.ebuild Bump, slightly rearranged the ebuild. Note that in this release, the gnome-inform7 IDE is officially advertised on the download page. I intend to write a separate ebuild for it at some point, but it looks like it will be somewhat tricky (lots of bundled stuff that needs to be split out) so I can't promise an ETA.
Created attachment 137936 [details] inform-7.5j_p39.ebuild Bump to 5J39. Use versionator to compute the upstream version from the ebuild version, instead of hard-coding it (if there's a nicer way to do the upper-casing, please let me know!). Add missing dep on e2fsprogs (for uuidgen). This version has a native binary for amd64 (and also s390x, but I have no idea how to tell the difference between s390 and s390x from an ebuild).
Created attachment 137964 [details] inform-7.5j_p39.ebuild (In reply to comment #6) > if there's a nicer way to do the upper-casing, please let me know! I found a slightly better way, although improvements are still welcome. Also added some comments that we should switch stop using the bundled Inform 6 compiler once 6.32 is released.