Emerging Mail-SpamAssassin works fine, but running spamassassin from the command-line aborts, complaining about missing a HTML/Parser package. Manually emerging HTML-Parser (even after Mail-SpamAssassin is already installed) fixed the problem. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Make sure HTML-Parser is not installed 2. Run 'emerge Mail-SpamAssassin' 3. Run 'spamassassin' Actual Results: Several error messages (unable to find package HTML/Parser, etc) Portage 2.0.47-r10 (default-x86-1.4, gcc-3.2.2, glibc-2.3.2-r0) ================================================================= System uname: 2.4.20-gentoo-r1 i686 AMD Athlon(tm) Processor GENTOO_MIRRORS="ftp://planetmirror.com/pub/gentoo http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/distributions/gentoo" CONFIG_PROTECT="/etc /var/qmail/control /usr/share/config /usr/kde/2/share/config /usr/kde/3/share/config /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb" CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK="/etc/gconf /etc/env.d" PORTDIR="/usr/portage" DISTDIR="/usr/portage/distfiles" PKGDIR="/usr/portage/packages" PORTAGE_TMPDIR="/var/tmp" PORTDIR_OVERLAY="" USE="x86 oss apm crypt cups libg++ mikmod motif ncurses nls pdflib spell xml2 xmms xv zlib gtkhtml gdbm berkdb slang readline bonobo svga tcltk java guile gpm tcpd pam libwww ssl esd imlib cdr X gtk gnome -kde -qt -arts cjk gphoto2 evo mozilla python perl oggvorbis opengl sdl gif jpeg png avi mpeg truetype quicktime encode mmx 3dnow maildir" COMPILER="gcc3" CHOST="i686-pc-linux-gnu" CFLAGS="-march=athlon-tbird -O3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -falign-functions=4 -funroll-loops -fforce-addr -frerun-cse-after-loop -frerun-loop-opt" CXXFLAGS="-march=athlon-tbird -O3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -falign-functions=4 -funroll-loops -fforce-addr -frerun-cse-after-loop -frerun-loop-opt" ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="x86 ~x86" MAKEOPTS="-j2" AUTOCLEAN="yes" SYNC="rsync://rsync.gentoo.org/gentoo-portage" FEATURES="sandbox ccache"
HTML-Parser is DEPEND in every Mail-SpamAssassin ebuild emerge Mail-SpamAssassin -p These are the packages that I would merge, in order: Calculating dependencies ...done! [ebuild N ] dev-perl/Time-HiRes-1.42 [ebuild N ] dev-perl/Digest-SHA1-2.01-r1 [ebuild N ] dev-perl/Digest-HMAC-1.01-r1 [ebuild N ] dev-perl/Net-DNS-0.22-r1 [ebuild N ] dev-perl/HTML-Parser-3.26-r2 [ebuild N ] dev-perl/Mail-SpamAssassin-2.44
Strange... I got this: 1048987160: >>> emerge (1 of 7) dev-perl/Time-HiRes-1.42 to / 1048987478: >>> emerge (2 of 7) dev-perl/Digest-SHA1-2.01-r1 to / 1048987546: >>> emerge (3 of 7) dev-perl/Digest-HMAC-1.01-r1 to / 1048987572: >>> emerge (4 of 7) dev-perl/Test-Harness-2.24-r1 to / 1048987607: >>> emerge (5 of 7) dev-perl/Test-Simple-0.47 to / 1048987646: >>> emerge (6 of 7) dev-perl/Net-DNS-0.22-r1 to / 1048987858: ::: completed emerge (7 of 7) dev-perl/Mail-SpamAssassin-2.50 to / But an 'emerge -ep Mail-SpamAssassin' *does* include HTML-Parser. Suppose I'd better accept the resolution.