Looks like some automagic, after removing xsane when starting gimp I get the error: executable not found: '/usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/xsane'
2.2 or 2.3? I doubt 2.3 as a grep xsane on the source returned nothing. And I'm not very motivated in fixing stuff in 2.2.
xsane builds a plugin for gimp. Looks like gimp somehow remembers that it was installed and keeps looking for it. Hanno, any idea how to tell gimp that a plugin is gone?
I failed to reproduce this. Can you give me a detailed instruction how to get this error? I tried this: 1. building gimp 2. building xsane with gimp-support 3. rebuilding gimp 4. removing xsane gimp still starts fine.
I thought this was an automagic bug but it looks like it's just something in the user data and doesn't actually cause any real problem.