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Bug 181014 - Swearing in #gentoo-dev
Summary: Swearing in #gentoo-dev
Alias: None
Product: Community Relations
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Developer Relations (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Gentoo Community Relations Team
Depends on:
Reported: 2007-06-05 21:43 UTC by Mike Doty (RETIRED)
Modified: 2007-06-07 16:23 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Mike Doty (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-06-05 21:43:46 UTC
log starts about 1430 PDT

<spbecker> steev64: heh, I was calling nobody's bluff, I was telling them in exactly what way they were fucking up
<steev64> language.
<spbecker> steev64: english please
<steev64> and they weren't at all, they simply asked for no repsonse
* jakub is missing chriswhite's pics on MLs
<nightmorph> kojiro: nice post on the doc ML by the way
<steev64> spbecker: watch your language or you wil be kicked.
<ytitnedion> say fuck is worse then calling someone an idiot? :)
<steev64> how is that for english?
<kojiro> nightmorph: thanks :)
<ytitnedion> steev64: !
<steev64> ytitnedion: yes
<spbecker> steev64: I'm watching my language right far as I can tell it looks like I'm typing english
<ferdy> if proctors think they can 'ask' people not to comment on a thread and stuff like that, they may have already lost
<steev64> i said if you can't follow a simple instruction
<ytitnedion> lofl
<ytitnedion> thats funny
* tupone has quit ("bye bye")
<steev64> re-read what i said
<spbecker> steev64: easy enough, looks like you're also typing english
* guillo has quit (Client Quit)
<rbrown`> ytitnedion: fuck is the worst word that you can say
<kingtaco|work> stop it
<spbecker> rbrown`: oh noes!!
<steev64> rbrown`: actually there are others, can we please stop dropping the fbomb?
* jodok has quit ()
<ytitnedion> rbrown`: its not
<ytitnedion> rbrown`: maybe in your silly culture
* jakub drops an H-bomb instead... :)
<rbrown`> ytitnedion: according to south park
<Cardoe> the fbomb is the worst word you can say... South Park has told us this
<spbecker> jakub: is that like after a night of drinking beer followed by a late-night sack of burritors from taco bell?
<eroyf> fuck is much better to do than to say
<ytitnedion> rbrown`: no according to the censorship that caused that episode
<jakub> spbecker: hahaha
<spbecker> *burritos
Comment 1 Mike Doty (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-06-05 21:57:14 UTC
1456 PDT
<eroyf> so i can't say fuck anymore?
<eroyf> jesus
Comment 2 Mike Doty (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-06-05 21:58:51 UTC
1457 PDT

<eroyf> fucking add me too
Comment 3 Ilya Volynets (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-06-05 22:04:07 UTC
I'd like to report iluxa on this bug as well
From same conversation:
<iluxa> damn! damn! damn!
Comment 4 Mike Doty (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-06-05 22:04:20 UTC
1503 PDT
<eroyf> i got added because i said fuck?
<steev64> musikc: who knows what they are doing
<rbrown`> agaffney: the one where kingtaco|work posted a devrel bug about everyone saying fuck
Comment 5 Mike Doty (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-06-05 22:05:55 UTC
1505 PDT
<iluxa> damn simple to request, but fucking hard to implement
Comment 6 Ilya Volynets (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-06-05 22:09:07 UTC
(In reply to comment #5)
> 1505 PDT
> <iluxa> damn simple to request, but fucking hard to implement

Gaah.. you beat me to it.. Let me add this then (same log again):
<iluxa> and it was, well, retarded, tbh, and kingtaco only made it a tiny bit worse...
Comment 7 Łukasz Damentko (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-06-05 22:12:13 UTC
#gentoo-dev.20070127.log:22:21 <@KingTaco> fuck no
#gentoo-dev.20070128.log:21:00 <@KingTaco> fucking obnoxous
#gentoo-dev.20070306.log:10:31 <@UberLord> KingTaco: you fuck your coffee? ewwwwww
#gentoo-dev.20070427.log:23:30 <+ferringb> kingtaco|work: Fucking Illinois Bastard

#gentoo-dev.20070127.log:05:25 <@KingTaco> I love it when I kill like 20 bots in ut2004; the game exclaims, "HOLY SHIT"
#gentoo-dev.20070127.log:22:22 <@KingTaco> "Yeah, I a lead developer for gentoo, you run your shit on gentoo, pay me dumptrucks full of money. kthxbye"
#gentoo-dev.20070128.log:20:39 <@KingTaco> ya know, the shit used to work
#gentoo-dev.20070130.log:01:18 <@kingtaco|work> or is shit linking to it without using it?
#gentoo-dev.20070130.log:21:36 <@kingtaco|work> none of this celeron shit
#gentoo-dev.20070209.log:04:50 <@KingTaco> tell me if you get verisigns no domain bullshit of if you get
#gentoo-dev.20070209.log:04:52 <@KingTaco> I get the verisign bullshit
#gentoo-dev.20070220.log:05:00 <@KingTaco> steev64, looks to be hosted on a shitty DSL line
#gentoo-dev.20070302.log:18:47 <@kingtaco|pda> my only mips box runs some greenriver shite from linksys
#gentoo-dev.20070302.log:18:48 <@kingtaco|pda> some propritory shit
#gentoo-dev.20070305.log:11:56 <@KingTaco> all that shit?
#gentoo-dev.20070305.log:12:03 <@KingTaco> if any gnome shit gets pulled in I'm not doing my job right
#gentoo-dev.20070305.log:12:03 <@KingTaco> any of that shit
#gentoo-dev.20070318.log:00:03 <@KingTaco> I can get some really funky shit
#gentoo-dev.20070328.log:00:26 <@kingtaco|work> not this 0,0,0 bullshit that schilly dreamed up
#gentoo-dev.20070406.log:23:45 <@kingtaco|work> bullshit
#gentoo-dev.20070409.log:00:10 <@KingTaco> cvs is slow as shit for me right now
#gentoo-dev.20070409.log:23:28 <@kingtaco|work> honestly, that's less than the embedded shit nokia and sanyo have done
#gentoo-dev.20070410.log:18:30 <@KingTaco> vapier, it looks like shit, so probaby
#gentoo-dev.20070414.log:04:22 <@KingTaco> it's the same shit thats in your microwave
#gentoo-dev.20070425.log:00:41 <@kingtaco|work> it's standard for any packages I write ebuilds for that use autoshit
#gentoo-dev.20070430.log:18:28 <@KingTaco> if that fixes it you need to update the projects autotools shit
#gentoo-dev.20070505.log:23:42 <@KingTaco> of course, someone already shit in my cornflakes, but that's to be expected
#gentoo-dev.20070510.log:17:32 <@KingTaco> yeah, it's got wierd shit like that
#gentoo-dev.20070511.log:05:34 <@KingTaco> so unless you already buy shit through paypal, you're going to lock your money up for months
#gentoo-dev.20070513.log:22:00 <@kingtaco|laptop> welp, google pay is shit
#gentoo-dev.20070525.log:23:36 <@kingtaco|work> but that'd probably be slow as shit too
#gentoo-dev.20070526.log:02:04 <@kingtaco|work> probably firmware and shit
#gentoo-dev.20070602.log:17:33 <@KingTaco> I'll take windows over some shitty java system any day
#gentoo-dev.20070125.log:05:04 <@KingTaco> damn user reopened it
#gentoo-dev.20070127.log:22:26 <@KingTaco> had to disassemble the entire damn thing
#gentoo-dev.20070127.log:22:27 <@KingTaco> DrEeevil, it goddamn does
#gentoo-dev.20070127.log:22:34 <@KingTaco> it's damn fast
#gentoo-dev.20070127.log:23:07 <@KingTaco> vapier, linux supposedly runs on it, though I've never been able to get the damn thing to boot
#gentoo-dev.20070128.log:06:45 <@KingTaco> damn switch reset itsself again so I got sidetracked with the cluster going foobar
#gentoo-dev.20070128.log:20:59 <@KingTaco> gah, I hate all these list tracker sites, 1 damn useless email == top 20 google hits
#gentoo-dev.20070128.log:23:27 <@KingTaco> I have $15k in hardware just to run the damn thing
#gentoo-dev.20070128.log:23:33 <@KingTaco> it's damn good though
#gentoo-dev.20070130.log:02:31 <@kingtaco|work> goddamn, we're going to have to have a 10 on 10 battle royale
#gentoo-dev.20070204.log:00:33 <@KingTaco> hot damn, the DVI still works on my bad monit0r
#gentoo-dev.20070205.log:00:34 <@KingTaco> goddamn I love football
#gentoo-dev.20070207.log:22:09 <@KingTaco|work> jokey, genstef: fix your damn trac on overlays please
#gentoo-dev.20070209.log:04:55 <@KingTaco> goddamn evil netsol
#gentoo-dev.20070219.log:18:56 <@KingTaco> damn tab complete
#gentoo-dev.20070323.log:03:38 <@KingTaco> tsunam, you damn nerd!
#gentoo-dev.20070323.log:03:40 <@KingTaco> damn preperation
#gentoo-dev.20070328.log:04:45 <@KingTaco> beandog, damnit man, how come every time you tweak planet I get 200 new RSS messages?
#gentoo-dev.20070406.log:03:55 <@KingTaco> damn, what does one have to do in xchat to /ignore
#gentoo-dev.20070414.log:04:06 <@KingTaco> *damn
#gentoo-dev.20070416.log:17:45 <@KingTaco> agaffney, not award, but at least he's doing his damn job
#gentoo-dev.20070420.log:23:39 <@kingtaco|laptop> yarg, damn xchat needs to save my ignore list
#gentoo-dev.20070513.log:19:11 <@KingTaco> goddamnit
#gentoo-dev.20070603.log:21:26 <@KingTaco> I'm a damn moron
#gentoo-dev.20070605.log:19:39 <@kingtaco|work> I don't care who, just fix the damn thing
#gentoo-dev.20070605.log:19:52 <@kingtaco|work> damn

Comment 8 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-06-05 22:22:17 UTC
Count me in...

23:57:25 -!- jakub was kicked from #gentoo-dev by jakub [oh fuck]
Comment 9 Harlan Lieberman-Berg (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-06-06 02:19:35 UTC
hlieberman@atlantis:~/freenode/freenode-logs$ egrep -c '(fuck|shit|damn)'

And that doesn't even go that far back.
Comment 10 Ferris McCormick (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-06-06 14:16:21 UTC
Devrel have active control of this bug and are reviewing it.
Comment 11 Ferris McCormick (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-06-07 16:23:23 UTC
Bug has been withdrawn, so there is nothing to consider.  It turns out that this is a non-issue.