Please update the vmware-modules Ebuild to include the latest version of the vmware-any-any-update patch (currently 108, 109 is available). This appears to be causing a (vmmon) module version conflict that vmware-server expects to find (.137 vs .138) when installing a new vmware-server. As per vmware's own forums thread here: The patch is available at: Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Install vmware-modules ebuild. 2. 3. Actual Results: vmware-any-any-update108 patch is applied during the ebuild process. Expected Results: ebuild uses vmware-any-any-update109 instead.
Woota, thanks for letting me know that vmware-any-any109 is now out, I'll make the changes to the overlay in the next few days, and after a further testing period that will eventually make it's way to the tree. In the meantime, you should not have any problems using vmware-server-1.0.2 with vmware-modules-1.0.15-r1, and there should not be version mismatch errors occuring. If there are, it suggests that the vmware-modules were improperly built, and we'll need to start debugging the module installation. Please let me know if you can recreate the problems after installing the latest version of vmware-server and vmware-modules from the main tree (ie, not using the vmware overlay) and ensure that the vmware server has been restarted. Thanks... 5:)
Mike, I did a fresh (virgin) install of vmware-modules- and vmware-server- The modules (specifically, the vmmon module) that were built during the install of vmware-modules (using vmware-any-any-update108) caused an issue with 'powering on' a new Virtual Machine just created with vmware-server (as in, it wouldnt power on). When the debug checkbox in vmware-server was turned on, the reference to the module version mismatch of 137 vs 138 was provided. The issue was the exact same as described here: After reading through that thread, I found the new version of vmware-any-any-update, downloaded, extracted the two included modules, compiled and installed them. Once those modules were installed, the Power On issue in the same Virtual Machine I had created went away. The culprit is certainly the (vmware) build version name as detected by which returns VME_V55 (=137) instead of VME_S1B1 (=138) which vmware-server expected. I dont know if the gentoo ebuild should patch the vmmon.tar file accordingly, or force a compile time VMWARE_VER='VME_S1B1' or something, thats obviously your descision to make. Hope this helps.
Woota, thanks a lot for looking into that, it must be a recent change that was made to the vmware-modules code, as the ebuild should specifically force VMWARE_VER="S1B1" for vmware-modules-, so there must be a problem arising there, and I'll look into it as well...
Hi Woota, I've been trying to recreate your version mismatch problem and so far have been unable to do so. We do force the modules to particular versions (so VME_S1B1 is, and VME_V55 is Please ensure that you're not using vmware-modules- from the overlay, since that's designed for vmware-workstation-6-beta. I've rebuilt the modules from the current tree and they appear to build with the correct settings to then run under vmware-server. So, to try and track down what the problem might be, could you please attach the output of "emerge --oneshot =vmware-modules-" and the output from "emerge --info" and then mention the results of starting machines in vmware-server having just rebuilt the modules (after first unloading any vmware modules that might be in the running server). I've checked through the differences between 108 and 109 and it only makes very minor fixes (mostly signed/unsigned and gcc-version changes). So even though I've bumped the version in the overlay, that will not fix your issue, it sounds like a module compilation issue, hence the output I've asked for above will be our best chance of finding a solution. Thanks... 5:)
Woota, I've now committed vmware-any-any109, it should hit the main tree in a couple of hours. I'm going to mark this as TEST-REQUEST, since I'd like you to try out the version in the tree without the vmware overlay installed and see if you can run vmware-server ok...