To get functionallity of font cache, it is requred to create /var/cache/fonts/ls-R (which includes already existing fonts) and make it world writable. Recommended actions after merging: mktexlsr /var/cache/fonts # or complete mktexlsr chmod og+rw /var/cache/fonts/ls-R #updmap # optional update maps, recommended after editing map configuration Optionally you can set permissions of /var/cache/fonts to world-writable sticky (mktex scripts does the same for all created sub-directories). Finally, /usr/share/texmf/web2c/updmap.cfg and /usr/share/texmf/web2c/*.cnf should be also CONFIG_PROTECTed. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce:
is this still an issue with tetex-2, mktexslr is called during postinst for that. and config_protect is easily fixable, thanks.
no more traffic, sorry closing.