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Bug 17105 - unace only actually extracts files as root
Summary: unace only actually extracts files as root
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: High minor
Assignee: SpanKY
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-03-08 14:29 UTC by Mark Piper
Modified: 2003-03-11 11:51 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Mark Piper 2003-03-08 14:29:28 UTC
running unace, from /app-arch/unace/ will only extract files as root.  The program will 
run as a regular user, and look like it's extracting, but the files never appear. 
If it's not something we can fix, perhaps we can just post a message in the ebuild, 
stating that the program only works for extracting as root. 

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
Comment 1 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2003-03-08 21:53:46 UTC
works for me over here ...

Script started on Sat Mar  8 21:47:00 2003
UserBah@vapier UserBah $ whoami
UserBah@vapier UserBah $ rm -rf Windrop
UserBah@vapier UserBah $ unace x Windrop.ace 

UNACE v2.2     Copyright by ACE Compression Software       May  9 2002 10:59:42
processing archive /home/UserBah/Windrop.ace                                             
Working: Creating listfile. Please wait.                                                 
Working: Reading archive. Please wait.                                    
created on 17.9.2001 with ver 2.0 by                                      
*UNREGISTERED VERSION*                                                    
  extracting Windrop                                                        0.0%         
  extracting Windrop/logs                                                   0.0%         
  extracting Windrop/text                                                   0.0%         
  extracting Windrop/help                                                   0.0%         
  extracting Windrop/help/set                                               0.0%         
  extracting Windrop/help/msg                                               0.0%         
  extracting Windrop/language                                               0.0%         
  extracting Windrop/filesys                                                0.0%         
  extracting Windrop/filesys/incoming                                       0.0%         
  extracting Windrop/doc                                                    0.0%         
  extracting Windrop/doc/man1                                               0.0%         
  extracting Windrop/doc/html                                               0.0%         
  extracting Windrop/doc/settings                                           0.0%         
  extracting Windrop/doc/stats                                              0.0%         
  extracting Windrop/doc/gseen                                              0.0%         otnetop.conf  eggdrop.complete.conf  ftp_lib.tcl
  extracting Windrop/doc/botnetop                                           0.0%         
  extracting Windrop/scripts                                                0.0%         
  extracting Windrop/scripts/g6stats                                        0.0%         
  extracting Windrop/modules                                                0.0%         
  extracting Windrop/lib                                                    0.0%         
  extracting Windrop/lib/tcl8.3                                             0.0%         
  extracting Windrop/lib/tcl8.3/tcltest1.0                                  0.0%         
  extracting Windrop/lib/tcl8.3/msgcat1.1                                   0.0%         
  extracting Windrop/lib/tcl8.3/encoding                                    0.0%         
  extracting Windrop/lib/tcl8.3/opt0.4                                      0.0%         
  extracting Windrop/lib/tcl8.3/http2.3                                     0.0%         
  extracting Windrop/lib/tcl8.3/http1.0                                     0.0%         
  extracting Windrop/lib/reg1.0                                             0.0%         
  extracting Windrop/lib/dde1.1                                             0.0%         
  extracting Windrop/tmp                                                    0.0%         
  extracting Windrop/scripts/autobotchk                                     0.0% (0.0%)    0.0% (0.0%)   36.7%         CRC OK
  extracting Windrop/text/banner                                            0.0% (0.2%)    0.0% (0.2%)   56.9%         CRC OK
  extracting Windrop/scripts/botchk                                         0.0% (0.2%)    0.0% (0.2%)    9.0%         CRC OK
  extracting Windrop/doc/BOTNET                                             0.0% (0.2%)    0.0% (0.2%)   36.2%         CRC OK
  extracting Windrop/doc/BUG-REPORT                                         0.0% (0.4%)    0.0% (0.4%)   37.3%         CRC OK
  extracting Windrop/doc/settings/contents                                  0.0% (0.5%)    0.0% (0.5%)   15.6%         CRC OK
  extracting Windrop/scripts/CONTENTS                                       0.0% (0.5%)    0.0% (0.5%)   43.0%         CRC OK
  extracting Windrop/doc/CONTENTS                                           0.0% (0.5%)    0.0% (0.5%)   37.6%         CRC OK
  extracting Windrop/logs/CONTENTS                                          0.0% (0.6%)    0.0% (0.6%)  100.0%         CRC OK
<whole bunch more files>
  extracting Windrop/logs/eggdrop.log.yesterday                             0.0% (99.8%)   0.0% (99.8%)  12.5%         CRC OK
  extracting Windrop/logs/lmn.log.yesterday                                 0.0% (100.0%)  0.0% (100.0%) 14.4%         CRC OK
extracted: 290 files, totaling 5.810K bytes (compressed 1.505K)           
UserBah@vapier UserBah $ ls Windrop
BotChk.bat     doc                    eggdrop.simple.conf  install.win32.html  lmn.user      resolv.conf   text
README         eggdrop.advanced.conf  filesys              language
<more files>
UserBah@vapier UserBah $
Comment 2 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2003-03-11 11:51:30 UTC
see if you cant try to track it down some more on your system ...