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Bug 170159 - Announce Public Away defaults to true - should be false
Summary: Announce Public Away defaults to true - should be false
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] KDE (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High trivial
Assignee: Gentoo KDE team
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Reported: 2007-03-09 19:36 UTC by Roderick B. Greening
Modified: 2007-04-01 17:05 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Roderick B. Greening 2007-03-09 19:36:24 UTC
It appears that KSirc defaults to publically announcing to all channels your away status when you set it. After some digging, I see that there is an option to enable/disable this feature from the configuration dialog. 
However, the problem is that this should be defaulted to off/false and not on/true. I found a similar resolved bug that addressed the original problem, and this feature was added. Bug ID: 43437. The bug was closed and the feature added - but it was defaulted to true, which still announced by default. 
To prevent unneccessary chatter and bannings, and to be nice netizens, we really should default this to false. 
From what I can tell about the code, this needs to be changed as follows: 
 --- ksopts.cpp.orig      2007-03-09 15:49:31.000000000 -0330 
 +++ ksopts.cpp  2007-03-09 15:50:34.000000000 -0330 
 @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ 
      windowLength = 200; 
  //    logging = false; 
  //    beepOnMsg = false; 
 -    publicAway = true; 
 +    publicAway = false; 
      //    topicShow = true; 
      useColourNickList = false; 
      dockPopups = true;

Bug filed upstream, but it would be nice to patch the Gentoo version until and update is pushed down.

Reproducible: Always

Expected Results:  
Software should not publically announce your away status by default to every channel. Config option shoul;d be defaulted to false
Comment 1 Roderick B. Greening 2007-03-09 19:37:55 UTC
Bug ID: 43437 is from KDE bugzilla btw...
Comment 2 Carsten Lohrke (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-04-01 17:05:17 UTC
I wouldn't disagree, but it's upstream's decision. Definitely won't maintain a patch for a switched config default...