There have been a lot of problems with the fontpath specified in the /usr/bin/vncserver script that is installed with net-misc/tightvnc. In most cases, the font path should be a comma-separated list of all the directories in /usr/share/fonts. The tricky part is that if any directory in the font path includes .ttf fonts, it rejects the font path and tries the hard-coded default font path (which is for the old non-modular X font locations). In theory, it should accept a font path with fonts that it can't handle, and just ignore those fonts. (So if this gets closed as "upstream," that's reasonable.) What we may need is a script, either as part of the ebuild or as a stand-alone script that patches /usr/bin/vncserver with a font path that includes all /usr/share/fonts/ directories, except those with .ttf fonts in them. At the very least, there should be a comment added to /usr/bin/vncserver just before the font path is set: # This should be a comma-separated list of font directories, often in # /usr/share/fonts/*, but it must not contain any directory that includes # TrueType (.ttf) fonts.
Indeed, how about that you go complain upstream?