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Bug 160268 - net-misc/ser2net-2.3-r1 - init script + conf file update
Summary: net-misc/ser2net-2.3-r1 - init script + conf file update
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All All
: Low enhancement
Assignee: Rajiv Aaron Manglani (RETIRED)
Depends on:
Reported: 2007-01-05 06:09 UTC by Matthias Egger
Modified: 2008-09-02 18:03 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

The new updated ser2net ebuild based on the ser2net-2.3 ebuild (ser2net-2.3-r1.ebuild,1.02 KB, text/plain)
2007-01-05 06:12 UTC, Matthias Egger
The newly added files/confd-ser2net (confd-ser2net,1.03 KB, text/plain)
2007-01-05 06:13 UTC, Matthias Egger
The newly added files/config-ser2net (default configuration) (config-ser2net,4.09 KB, text/plain)
2007-01-05 06:14 UTC, Matthias Egger
The newly added files/initd-ser2net (initd-ser2net,473 bytes, text/plain)
2007-01-05 06:16 UTC, Matthias Egger
Newly updated ser2net ebuild based on ser2net-2.3 ebuild (ser2net-2.3-r1.ebuild,961 bytes, text/plain)
2007-01-08 16:16 UTC, Matthias Egger

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Matthias Egger 2007-01-05 06:09:33 UTC

The actual ser2net package doesnt have an init script nor has it a good default config file. So i decided to write it on my own and to update that ebuild.

What i did:
- Added an init script.
- Added a conf.d File
- Created a new "default" configuration File.
- changed the ebuild to install all these files.

Files i created:
- Added ser2net-2.3-r1.ebuild
- Added files/initd-ser2net
- Added files/confd-ser2net
- Added files/config-ser2net

Decisions i made (but which are possibly wrong):
- The ser2net utility doesn't create any pid file. And using "start-stop-daemon --make-pidfile" also doesn't work because ser2net forks from it's main process.

For this reason i decided to start ser2net "manualy" and to grep out the pid of its process. This works very well here but i couldn't test it on other machines.

- The default configuration opens one telnetable port (3001) which is connected to /dev/ttyS0. Other examples (which i thought could be usefull) are also included but commented out. I saw this behavior on a few other Packages and thought this is a good behavior.

Btw. this is my first ebuild modification. So even if i read the docs conecerning creating ebuild or init scripts, it could have made some mistakes a pro wouldn't make. So please be fair on your comments!
Comment 1 Matthias Egger 2007-01-05 06:12:05 UTC
Created attachment 105521 [details]
The new updated ser2net ebuild based on the ser2net-2.3 ebuild
Comment 2 Matthias Egger 2007-01-05 06:13:11 UTC
Created attachment 105522 [details]
The newly added files/confd-ser2net
Comment 3 Matthias Egger 2007-01-05 06:14:41 UTC
Created attachment 105523 [details]
The newly added files/config-ser2net (default configuration)
Comment 4 Matthias Egger 2007-01-05 06:16:06 UTC
Created attachment 105524 [details]
The newly added files/initd-ser2net
Comment 5 Matthias Egger 2007-01-08 16:16:42 UTC
Created attachment 106049 [details]
Newly updated ser2net ebuild based on ser2net-2.3 ebuild

As i saw today, the original ser2net ebuild has been fixed (autotools fix by flameeyes), so i decided to update also my r1 Version. This makes the old ebuild obsolete.
Comment 6 Matthias Egger 2007-04-02 14:23:05 UTC
Any chance you will find the time to check my improvements? If not, Could someone other do it? I would really like to see my enhancements upstream.
Comment 7 Stefan Briesenick (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-09-02 18:03:37 UTC
ser2net-2.5 incl. init-script in CVS now. I didn't used your sample-config though.