Greetings, Please find attached an ebuild and two patcfh files for sys-power/gapcmon (suggested tree location), a Gtk-based monitor GUI for sys-power/apcupsd. The apcupsd package is a management daemon for APC uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs). gapcmon communicates with apcupsd to provide a graphical status monitor, including a notification area icon, for all UPSs managed by apcupsd. The included patches correct several cosmetic errors in the GUI (spelling and grammar) and remove a non-Gentoo-standard documentation directory from the installation target of the makefile. Thanks, Ron
Created attachment 104156 [details] gapcmon-0.8.3.ebuild
Created attachment 104157 [details, diff] gentoo-cosmetics-0.8.3.patch
Created attachment 104158 [details, diff] gentoo-nodocinstall-0.8.3.patch
Version bump: copied gapcmon-0.8.3.ebuild to gapcmon-0.8.6.ebuild and verified proper installation.
Created attachment 134675 [details] Renamed ebuild (version bump)
Created attachment 183964 [details] gapcmon-0.8.9.ebuild Updated for 0.8.9: Removed gentoo-nodocinstall-0.8.3.patch, no longer needed
This ebuild is not necessary. apcupsd with the 'gnome' useflag already install gapcmon ;)
on the other hand, this ebuild allows you to only install gapcmon and watch apcupsd over the network... Thanks!
The dependency on apcupsd can be dropped, it's not necessary to install the daemon on the same machine. amd64 works fine aswell! :)