Just after vmware-server installation vmware-authd has the following attributes: -rws--x--- 1 root vmware 161892 Dec 6 07:36 /opt/vmware/server/sbin/vmware-authd VM server itself is working normally but it is impossible to connect via web console (vmware-mui) running as nobody: Could not exec vmware-authd: /usr/sbin/vmware-authd (vmware-authd) does not exist or is not executable After "chmod +rx" all is working fine. Maybe it's worth to change /opt/vmware/server/sbin/vmware-authd attributes in ebuild?
Uhh... no, as that removes the permissions we have explicitly set. The best solution would be to have a vmware-mui ebuild added to the tree which works with our setup, instead. =]
I'll try to find some time to dedicate towards getting the mui installed through portage, but for the meantime, could you please test creating a specific mui user and adding it to the vmware group to see if that works with vmware server more reasonably?
Right, I managed to take a quick look at the MUI today, and it looks ugly. It comes with a prepackaged binary version of Apache, and looks like it's gonna be a pain to get the configuration and building of modules right. What I'll do is ask the guys in the web-apps/apache-type herds if they'd be able to help and see if we can go from there, but I'm afraid the MUI isn't going to be added to portage any time soon, so best to give the workaround a go. Sorry!
Bug cleaning, I'm marking this as LATER because, unfortunately, it's a long term project and not one with anyone concentrating on it. Sorry... 5:(