All versions of Yahoo messenger (net-im/ymessenger) are hard masked. This is an application that works and shouldn't be taken away. This is taking away user choice. A lot of dependencies are hard masked too. Due to this: # Saleem Abdulrasool <> (16 Nov 2006) # GNOME 1.x Removal Mask (15 Dec 2006) So things broke on Nov 16 and I gather the ebuilds will be removed on Dec 15 and so will the source files. This is wrong. I use Yahoo messenger - now I have to either unmask for now and later put ebuilds and source files into an overlay and have no maintenance, or install it myself. Gentoo is about freedom and choice - what is so critical that we need to break Yahoo messenger, a very nice and useful app - and why does gentoo-portage say it is DANGEROUS to unmask it (see - Yahoo makes quality software and is a quality company - just because GNOME 1 is a bit old. I don't like GNOME in general, and I understand about old software, but keeping Yahoo messenger working is more important than any slash and burn of old software. Sorry for ranting, but having an emerge world fail because I use a popular software package and either having to hack around or do without, without any warning is NOT acceptable and is quite disturbing, annoying, and aggrivating. If I wanted that, I'd switch to Windoze.
don't play with the severity button
We won't maintain Gnome-1.x stuff, it's unsupported upstream and noone is willing to maintain it in Gentoo either (as it basically means to become upstream). Port it to gtk+-2* or don't complain, sorry. Gentoo is about choice for developers as well, it's a voluntary effort, people maintain what they are interested in.