Hello, Here is more a request than a bug report. KDE-3.5.5 is now translated in Singalese (Sri-Lanka): http://l10n.kde.org/team-infos.php?teamcode=si, however the 'si' LINGUAS code has no effect while building kde-i18n. Can't this be fixed? My wife is singalese, it would be a nice surprise for her to be able to use KDE in her own mother tongue... ;) Thanks in advance Daniel
I don't see it as a package that can be downloaded from here: ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/3.5.5/src/kde-i18n So, I don't know where to get the source from.
Strange indeed. I sent an email to the responsible of the site. Hopefully there is indeed a singalese translation... Daniel
Please reopen when there is a tarball available...
Up to kde.org to provide a release with singalese localization. Please work with them via http://l10n.kde.org/.