Emerge will not let me have autoconf-2.59 and autoconf-2.60 installed at the same time. Problem is that there are some ebuilds that look for one or the other and I have not been able to update my system. The SLOT for autoconf-2.60 I think should be "2.6" or "${PV:0:3}", but because it equals "2.5" I can't have both autoconfs. I am actually really surprised that this hasn't affected other people. autoconf-2.13.ebuild:SLOT="${PV:0:3}" autoconf-2.59-r7.ebuild:SLOT="${PV:0:3}" autoconf-2.60.ebuild:SLOT="2.5" Kindest regards, Tim
No. If there's any ebuild that has hard dependency on autoconf-2.59, file a bug about that ebuild. The slots are just fine.