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Bug 153950 - CMake FindKDE3 problem
Summary: CMake FindKDE3 problem
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] KDE (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Gentoo KDE team
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Reported: 2006-11-03 10:28 UTC by Bertjan Broeksema
Modified: 2007-06-07 15:59 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Bertjan Broeksema 2006-11-03 10:28:07 UTC
The FindKDE3.cmake module doens't find all that is needed to build a program. This is because it looks in the following dirs:


Possible solutions:

1. Add /usr/kde/3.{3,4,5}/include to FindKDE3.cmake (Note: there are some other dirs which should be added too.)

2. Make a kde session set the $ENV{KDEDIR} (This isn't done at my system, could be my fault. I'd then like to here how to solve that).
Comment 1 Stefan Schweizer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-11-03 13:06:29 UTC
what app do you try to build? And why does it not use the kde eclass that sets the correct environment variable?
Comment 2 Bertjan Broeksema 2006-11-03 13:54:11 UTC
Ah that's the problem =). I'm not using an ebuild. I'm working on kpilot-trunk and kde4 so there are no ebuilds for that *yet*.

I edited the file so that's working for now. IMHO that CMake *also* should work when no ebuild is used. It's a build tool after all =)
Comment 3 Stefan Schweizer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-11-03 13:57:28 UTC
well, ask the cmake developers for help :)

I would also appreciate it working out of the box
Comment 4 Bertjan Broeksema 2006-11-03 14:01:26 UTC
(In reply to comment #3)
> well, ask the cmake developers for help :)
> I would also appreciate it working out of the box

I'm not sure if this is cmake-dev thing. Gentoo did choose to install kde in a *non-standard* dir.
Comment 5 Stefan Schweizer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-11-03 14:03:28 UTC
what other way is there to make it properly slottable so that 3.4 can be installed and 3.5 be tested?
Comment 6 Bertjan Broeksema 2006-11-03 14:11:04 UTC
(In reply to comment #5)
> what other way is there to make it properly slottable so that 3.4 can be
> installed and 3.5 be tested?

CMake has a function called $ENV{somevar} which looks up some var from the environment vars. If for example KDEDIR is set to /usr/kde/3.5 as environment var everything should just work fine.

But i don't know how to handle this var when more than one KDE version is installed.
Comment 7 Stefan Schweizer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-11-29 11:26:46 UTC
have a kde3 app that I can test this against?
Comment 8 Wulf Krueger (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-06-07 15:59:23 UTC
No response, works for me and "working on kpilot-trunk and kde4" isn't exactly something we support currently. :-)