The portmap in gentoo has very limited features compared to the one installed on Debian. More importantly, portmap does not support interface binding. On Debian: man portmap NAME portmap - DARPA port to RPC program number mapper SYNOPSIS portmap [-d] [-t dir] [-v] [-i address] On Gentoo: man portmap NAME portmap -- DARPA port to RPC program number mapper SYNOPSIS portmap [-dv] Perhaps the portmap under Gentoo is outdated.
Security won't fix this.
has nothing to do with being outdated, Debian writes custom patches for portmap
so, should we incorporate some of the debian patches? the binding patch seems to be very useful.
current portmap supports binding to loopback ... next release of portmap will include these features you're looking for; we can wait for that
portmap haven't released new version for years, so I doubt it will happen. But thanks anyway for the notification.
you're not following current portmap status; it has a new upstream see portmap-9999.ebuild