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Bug 151761 - alsa-driver patch for Conexant sound cards
Summary: alsa-driver patch for Conexant sound cards
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal minor
Assignee: Gentoo ALSA team [DISABLED]
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-10-17 16:39 UTC by Scott Van Der Wall
Modified: 2007-02-17 02:31 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

patch for low sound output (patch_conexant.c,4.40 KB, patch)
2006-10-17 16:43 UTC, Scott Van Der Wall
Details | Diff
conexant-driver-test1.patch (conexant-driver-test1.patch,212 bytes, patch)
2006-10-22 23:50 UTC, Scott Van Der Wall
Details | Diff
conexant-kernel-test1.patch (conexant-kernel-test1.patch,14.24 KB, patch)
2006-10-22 23:51 UTC, Scott Van Der Wall
Details | Diff

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Description Scott Van Der Wall 2006-10-17 16:39:56 UTC
There is a patch for Conexant devices that is eventually going to be incorporated into the alsa-driver, however at the moment is not.  I believe it works with 1.0.12 and greater.  It would be nice if it was incorporated into the ebuild for the alsa-driver.  I'll post the patch up here.
Comment 1 Scott Van Der Wall 2006-10-17 16:43:44 UTC
Created attachment 99904 [details, diff]
patch for low sound output

This patch is for conexant devices (mainly hp laptops) that are experiencing low sound output.
Comment 2 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-10-17 22:52:24 UTC
Did you send this upstream?
Comment 3 Scott Van Der Wall 2006-10-18 00:42:51 UTC
This was a patch created by someone else and has been submitted to the people at alsa.  However they are taking their sweet time implementing it.  I believe it was submitted at the end of august.
Comment 4 Scott Van Der Wall 2006-10-22 23:49:15 UTC
So there are two almost offical patches now from alsa.  They are in the testing phase, but they work.  I'm using them now and they work well.  I'll post them up here.  It seems that it will be included in 1.0.14-rc1, so whether or not they are included in portage's patches for 1.0.13 or not is up to you guys.
Comment 5 Scott Van Der Wall 2006-10-22 23:50:17 UTC
Created attachment 100250 [details, diff]
Comment 6 Scott Van Der Wall 2006-10-22 23:51:12 UTC
Created attachment 100251 [details, diff]
Comment 7 Scott Van Der Wall 2006-10-22 23:52:27 UTC
Here's the directions from the discussion about these patches from the creator:

Ok, I have a couple of test patches to try. They are separated for integration into the HG repository, so to add them to alsa-driver-1.0.13.tar.bz2 (downloaded from the main page), follow these steps:

tar -jxvf alsa-driver-1.0.13.tar.bz2
cd alsa-driver
patch -p1 < conexant-driver-test1.patch
cd alsa-kernel
patch -p1 < conexant-kernel-test1.patch
cd ..
./configure --with-cards=hda-intel --with-debug=detect ; make ; make install

After compiling and loading the drivers, send me the output from dmesg. Run dmesg -c before loading to get a clean, short output. Also, please post the output from "cat /proc/asound/card0/codec*".

Let me know if this works or not. If it compiles and works, even marginally better, I'll get it into the tree and we can fix it from there.

Comment 8 D3LLF 2006-11-19 09:16:12 UTC
I've got HP Compaq V3000Z with this Connexant HDA. I've got problems with alsa-driver-1.0.13. When i try to unload and load again this module freezes whole system (look at #153771 bug), but at init (alsasound) loads without errors. When trying to play some music it fall in infinite loop (first second of mp3) and player (amarok) hangs up.

I tried alsa from gentoo-sources 2.6.18-r2 kernel, and there sound works fine (but only on speakers - no headphone out there).

#uname -a

Linux Tiamat 2.6.18-gentoo-r2 #9 PREEMPT Sun Nov 19 15:29:40 CET 2006 x86_64 Mobile AMD Sempron(tm) AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux

#dmesg (after loading alsa module with your patche)s:

ALSA /tmp/alsa-driver-1.0.13/pci/hda/../../alsa-kernel/pci/hda/hda_intel.c:680: codec_mask = 0x1
ALSA /tmp/alsa-driver-1.0.13/pci/hda/../../alsa-kernel/pci/hda/hda_intel.c:540: hda_intel: azx_get_response timeout, switching to
 polling mode...
ALSA /tmp/alsa-driver-1.0.13/pci/hda/../../alsa-kernel/pci/hda/hda_generic.c:610: AUD_IN = 1a
ALSA /tmp/alsa-driver-1.0.13/pci/hda/../../alsa-kernel/pci/hda/hda_generic.c:233: UNMUTE IN: NID=0x1a IDX=0x0
ALSA /tmp/alsa-driver-1.0.13/pci/hda/../../alsa-kernel/pci/hda/hda_generic.c:233: UNMUTE IN: NID=0x14 IDX=0x0
ALSA /tmp/alsa-driver-1.0.13/pci/hda/../../alsa-kernel/pci/hda/hda_generic.c:233: UNMUTE IN: NID=0x12 IDX=0x0
ALSA /tmp/alsa-driver-1.0.13/pci/hda/../../alsa-kernel/pci/hda/hda_generic.c:647: [Capture Source] NID=0x1a, #SRC=2
ALSA /tmp/alsa-driver-1.0.13/pci/hda/../../alsa-kernel/pci/hda/hda_generic.c:650:   [Mic] IDX=0x1
ALSA /tmp/alsa-driver-1.0.13/pci/hda/../../alsa-kernel/pci/hda/hda_generic.c:650:   [Front Mic] IDX=0x2
ALSA /tmp/alsa-driver-1.0.13/pci/hda/../../alsa-kernel/pci/hda/hda_generic.c:289: AUD_OUT found 19
ALSA /tmp/alsa-driver-1.0.13/pci/hda/../../alsa-kernel/pci/hda/hda_generic.c:251: CONNECT: NID=0x10 IDX=0x0
ALSA /tmp/alsa-driver-1.0.13/pci/hda/../../alsa-kernel/pci/hda/hda_generic.c:233: UNMUTE IN: NID=0x10 IDX=0x0
ALSA /tmp/alsa-driver-1.0.13/pci/hda/../../alsa-kernel/pci/hda/hda_generic.c:217: UNMUTE OUT: NID=0x10
ALSA /tmp/alsa-driver-1.0.13/pci/hda/../../alsa-kernel/pci/hda/hda_generic.c:217: UNMUTE OUT: NID=0x10
ALSA /tmp/alsa-driver-1.0.13/pci/hda/../../alsa-kernel/pci/hda/hda_generic.c:289: AUD_OUT found 19
ALSA /tmp/alsa-driver-1.0.13/pci/hda/../../alsa-kernel/pci/hda/hda_generic.c:251: CONNECT: NID=0x11 IDX=0x0
ALSA /tmp/alsa-driver-1.0.13/pci/hda/../../alsa-kernel/pci/hda/hda_generic.c:233: UNMUTE IN: NID=0x11 IDX=0x0
ALSA /tmp/alsa-driver-1.0.13/pci/hda/../../alsa-kernel/pci/hda/hda_generic.c:217: UNMUTE OUT: NID=0x11
ALSA /tmp/alsa-driver-1.0.13/pci/hda/../../alsa-kernel/pci/hda/hda_generic.c:217: UNMUTE OUT: NID=0x11
ALSA /tmp/alsa-driver-1.0.13/pci/hda/../../alsa-kernel/pci/hda/hda_generic.c:251: CONNECT: NID=0x1a IDX=0x1
ALSA /tmp/alsa-driver-1.0.13/pci/hda/../../alsa-kernel/pci/hda/hda_generic.c:712: [Speaker Playback Switch] NID=0x10, DIR=OUT
ALSA /tmp/alsa-driver-1.0.13/pci/hda/../../alsa-kernel/pci/hda/hda_generic.c:732: [Speaker Playback Volume] NID=0x10, DIR=OUT
ALSA /tmp/alsa-driver-1.0.13/pci/hda/../../alsa-kernel/pci/hda/hda_generic.c:712: [Headphone Playback Switch] NID=0x11, DIR=OUT
ALSA /tmp/alsa-driver-1.0.13/pci/hda/../../alsa-kernel/pci/hda/hda_generic.c:732: [Headphone Playback Volume] NID=0x11, DIR=OUT

#cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#0:

Codec: Conexant ID 5045
Address: 0
Vendor Id: 0x14f15045
Subsystem Id: 0x103c30b5
Revision Id: 0x100100
Default PCM: rates 0x140, bits 0x0e, types 0x1
Default Amp-In caps: N/A
Default Amp-Out caps: N/A
Node 0x10 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40058d: Stereo Amp-Out
  Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x2b, nsteps=0x2b, stepsize=0x05, mute=1
  Amp-Out vals:  [0x00 0x00]
  Pincap 0x0810014: OUT EAPD Detect
  Pin Default 0x95170110: [Fixed] Speaker at Int Top
    Conn = Analog, Color = Unknown
  Pin-ctls: 0x40: OUT
  Power: 0x0
  Connection: 2
     0x19* 0x17
Node 0x11 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40058d: Stereo Amp-Out
  Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x2b, nsteps=0x2b, stepsize=0x05, mute=1
  Amp-Out vals:  [0x00 0x00]
  Pincap 0x08113c: IN OUT HP Detect
  Pin Default 0x0221401f: [Jack] HP Out at Ext Front
    Conn = 1/8, Color = Green
  Pin-ctls: 0xc0: OUT HP
  Power: 0x0
  Connection: 2
     0x19* 0x17
Node 0x12 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40058d: Stereo Amp-Out
  Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x2b, nsteps=0x2b, stepsize=0x05, mute=1
  Amp-Out vals:  [0xab 0xab]
  Pincap 0x08113c: IN OUT HP Detect
  Pin Default 0x22a1902e: [Jack] Mic at Sep Front
    Conn = 1/8, Color = Pink
  Pin-ctls: 0x24: IN
  Power: 0x0
  Connection: 2
     0x19* 0x17
Node 0x13 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x400301: Stereo Digital
  Pincap 0x0810: OUT
  Pin Default 0x01447130: [Jack] SPDIF Out at Ext Rear
    Conn = RCA, Color = Yellow
  Pin-ctls: 0x00:
  Connection: 1
Node 0x14 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x400081: Stereo
  Pincap 0x081124: IN Detect
  Pin Default 0x97a70120: [Fixed] Mic at Int Riser
    Conn = Analog, Color = Unknown
  Pin-ctls: 0x24: IN
Node 0x15 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x400001: Stereo
  Pincap 0x0820: IN
  Pin Default 0x94330121: [Fixed] CD at Int Right
    Conn = ATAPI, Color = Unknown
  Pin-ctls: 0x00:
Node 0x16 [Beep Generator Widget] wcaps 0x70000c: Mono Amp-Out
  Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x07, nsteps=0x07, stepsize=0x0b, mute=1
  Amp-Out vals:  [0x06]
Node 0x17 [Audio Mixer] wcaps 0x20050b: Stereo Amp-In
  Amp-In caps: ofs=0x14, nsteps=0x2b, stepsize=0x05, mute=1
  Amp-In vals:  [0x94 0x94] [0x94 0x94] [0x94 0x94] [0x94 0x94] [0x94 0x94]
  Power: 0x0
  Connection: 5
     0x19 0x14 0x12 0x11 0x15
Node 0x18 [Audio Output] wcaps 0x211: Stereo Digital
  PCM: rates 0x040, bits 0x06, types 0x5
Node 0x19 [Audio Output] wcaps 0xc11: Stereo
  PCM: rates 0x540, bits 0x0e, types 0x1
  Power: 0x0
Node 0x1a [Audio Input] wcaps 0x100d0b: Stereo Amp-In
  Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x17, stepsize=0x05, mute=1
  Amp-In vals:  [0x17 0x17] [0x00 0x00] [0x00 0x00] [0x00 0x00] [0x00 0x00]
  Power: 0x0
  Connection: 5
     0x17 0x14* 0x12 0x11 0x15
Node 0x1b [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono

#lspci -vv (soundcard only):

00:10.1 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio (rev a2)
        Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company Unknown device 30b5
        Control: I/O- Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- ParErr- Stepping- SERR- FastB2B-
        Status: Cap+ 66MHz+ UDF- FastB2B+ ParErr- DEVSEL=fast >TAbort- <TAbort- <MAbort- >SERR- <PERR-
        Latency: 0 (500ns min, 1250ns max)
        Interrupt: pin B routed to IRQ 58
        Region 0: Memory at c0000000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16K]
        Capabilities: [44] Power Management version 2
                Flags: PMEClk- DSI- D1- D2- AuxCurrent=0mA PME(D0-,D1-,D2-,D3hot+,D3cold+)
                Status: D0 PME-Enable- DSel=0 DScale=0 PME-
        Capabilities: [50] Message Signalled Interrupts: 64bit+ Queue=0/0 Enable+
                Address: 00000000fee00000  Data: 403a
        Capabilities: [6c] HyperTransport: MSI Mapping
Comment 9 D3LLF 2006-11-21 12:45:13 UTC
Everything ok, after adding disable_msi=1 parameter to modprobe. AFAIK model recognition is good.
Comment 10 Diego Elio Pettenò (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-02-17 02:31:29 UTC
Leaving this for upstream, I try not to patch the drivers.