The gentoo patched firefox 1.5.0.x make strange thing while rendering paragraph which contain ANY non Latin1 character WHEN first-letter pseudo element is set for this paragraph. Here is the small testcase: paragraph 1 & 2 - only Latin1 characters AND first-letter - all is OK paragraph 3 & 4 - Latin2 character in first (par 3) and last (par 4) word AND first letter. Wrong there is an emty line afrer first line of text. paragraph 5 & 6 - Latin2 characters in same places, but no first-letter pseude element, all is OK Same time Epiphany build "on same firefox" renders same page correct. There are two screenshoots where you can find the difference. Also i cannot find any other firefox with this error (tried SuSE, Windows, PLD) so it is side effect of some gentoo patch(es). I saw it on three different machines with Gentoo amd64 and two x86, on firefox and I tried it on clean firefox profile without any Fx extension also.
Created attachment 99039 [details] AMD64 emerge --info
Created attachment 99041 [details] x86 emerge --info Both my computer are using firefox (not firefox-bin)
this still needs to be test with firefox-bin to rule out an upstream issue.
mozilla-firefox-bin-1.5.* is NOT affected on x86 and AMD64 (i've test the x86, and someone on IRC tested AMD64) I heard that mozilla-firefox-2.* is also NOT affected
I've just emerged mozilla-firefox-2.0 @amd64 and it is really not affected by this bug, so it probably should be closed as WONTFIX because probably every Gentoo user "we love new versions" will upgrade soon.
Wontfix via anarchy.