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Bug 149321 - "/etc/init.d/xend stop" does not stop xenstored and xenconsoled
Summary: "/etc/init.d/xend stop" does not stop xenstored and xenconsoled
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High minor
Assignee: Gentoo Xen Devs
Keywords: Bug
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Reported: 2006-09-27 09:14 UTC by Wolfram Schlich (RETIRED)
Modified: 2009-09-01 09:59 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Wolfram Schlich (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-09-27 09:14:43 UTC
As the init script just calls /usr/sbin/xend, it seems
that "/usr/sbin/xend stop" does not stop xenstored and xenconsoled.
Bad, bad upstream...
Can we work around this by taking care of xenstored and xenconsoled
from within our init script?
Comment 1 Andrew Ross (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-10-06 17:26:05 UTC
Confirmed here, along with no ill effects from killing xenstored and xenconsoled during /etc/init.d/xend stop (after stopping /usr/sbin/xend, of course).
Comment 2 Andrew Ross (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-10-12 04:57:32 UTC
I may have spoken too soon, so I'm pulling this from the upcoming -r4. I think it needs more testing, and the impact of delaying its inclusion is minimal, at best.
Comment 3 Wolfram Schlich (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-10-18 03:53:41 UTC
Maybe xen 3.0.3 has fixed this?
Comment 4 Wolfram Schlich (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-05-26 09:43:26 UTC
Comment 5 Luca Lesinigo 2008-05-26 17:23:55 UTC
3.0.3 is not in portage anymore. Maybe the new ebuilds?
No suitable x86 to try it right now, sorry :(
Comment 6 Wolfram Schlich (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-10-31 16:25:11 UTC
it's still the same with 3.2.1
Comment 7 Russell Haering 2009-01-26 20:18:40 UTC
Is there any reason not to uncomment the fix in the init script?
Comment 8 Wolfram Schlich (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-01-27 15:19:41 UTC
I believe Andrew Ross won't be able to help us with this one anymore...

I have dug somewhat deeper into that issue.
The thing is: if you still have domUs running, do NOT ever kill xenconsoled and xenstored (at LEAST not xenstored).

xend alone (without xenstored/xenconsoled) can be restarted without interrupting/impacting running domUs.
Currently, the xend init script does not support xends own 'restart' command,
thus '/etc/init.d/xend restart' does run the init scripts stop() and start() functions (which will in turn run 'xend stop' + 'xend start'), so I could not
just kill xenstored/xenconsoled from the stop() function without any further
caretaking. But I have a solution :)
I'll patch the init script to only kill xenstored and xenconsoled on
'/etc/init.d/xend stop' and NOT on '/etc/init.d/xend restart' (which will
only call 'xend restart' then).
Comment 9 Wolfram Schlich (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-01-28 10:44:49 UTC
Everybody, please test the 3.2.3 ebuilds I just committed to my testing overlay:
(use "layman -a wschlich-testing"). They contain the fix(es). Reports
are very welcome :)
Comment 10 Russell Haering 2009-02-14 06:56:11 UTC
I'm testing the script you posted with xen-tools-3.1.3-r1 and baselayout-

1. The restart function won't work at all unless you add a comment containing the strings "svc_stop" and "svc_start" to work around an error check in

2. Based on some very rudimentary tests it certainly looks like the script works as expected.
Comment 11 Wolfram Schlich (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-09-01 09:59:02 UTC
One must NOT stop xenstored/xenconsoled (not supported by Xen).
Other fixes are in portage now (3.4.1-r1).