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Bug 145934 - sys-kernel/genkernel - AoE (ATA-over-Ethernet) support
Summary: sys-kernel/genkernel - AoE (ATA-over-Ethernet) support
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Hosted Projects
Classification: Unclassified
Component: genkernel (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Lowest enhancement
Assignee: Gentoo Genkernel Maintainers
Keywords: NeedPatch
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Blocks: 245389
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Reported: 2006-09-01 19:19 UTC by Bret Towe
Modified: 2019-07-16 19:02 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Bret Towe 2006-09-01 19:19:45 UTC
would be nice if gentoo supported booting off a ata over ethernet device
the thread link below has whats required to get it up
which basicly involves modprobing the ethernet interface
bring it up waiting a few seconds telling aoe to look for devices
and then doing what one would do normally with a local ata device
that i think is all genkernel territory
for shutdown tho the ethernet device needs to be left up
so the filesystems can be properly unmounted
Comment 1 Bret Towe 2006-09-01 20:56:39 UTC
livecd would prob also need aoe kernel module
aoetools more than likely also
Comment 2 Eric Edgar (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-09-11 10:49:42 UTC
while this is technically correct the developers would need to have the environment setup to test this situation.  This is something that is on my radar but has not progressed very far due to time and hardware limitations.
Comment 3 Bret Towe 2006-09-11 18:58:31 UTC
hardware wise a few mb on your disk and a loopback file 
and something like vmware should allow for that no?
Comment 4 Chris Gianelloni (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-10-13 13:00:13 UTC
Also, feel free to provide a patch for this functionality.
Comment 5 Michaelian Ennis 2008-01-11 16:39:42 UTC
Should this bug be marked as a duplicate of 199444 ? 
Comment 6 Chris Gianelloni (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-01-28 18:10:48 UTC
Nope.  They're two different bugs.
Comment 7 Chris Gianelloni 2008-11-03 12:26:19 UTC
OK.  I'm wanting this to be included into 3.4.11 of genkernel, but I would like it if someone could (at least) provide me a list of the necessary binaries/libraries and how to do a setup for this, preferably in this bug itself, so I have everything that I'll need in one place.  Otherwise, it might need to wait until the release after that.
Comment 8 Michaelian Ennis 2008-11-03 22:25:25 UTC
aoe-interfaces -- limit the interfaces listened on
aoe-discover	-- find all the targets avaiable
aoe-stat	-- show all targets
aoe-flush -- clear [ all |a ] targets(s)
aoe-mkdevs -- creates the character devices in /dev/
aoe-revalidate -- check the disk ident 
aoe-version -- show the driver verision

aoecfg	--  manipulate the "config string" on a target 
aoeping -- a ping type command that does not go through the driver

The commands with dashes in the name are shell scripts. The last two are binaries which only link to glibc. 

A brief discussion

By default all interfaces are available for aoe traffic.  The aoe-interfaces command defines an exclusive list of interfaces to use instead.  The driver re-detects new targets every 60 seconds discover triggers an immediate "Broadcast Query Config".  Aoe-stat will display all the targets known, their sizes, what interface they are on, and whether they are available.  If one is unavailable it can be flushed from the the dev tree with aoe-flush.  Aoe-flush may be used to remove all devices that are not pending IO with the -f flag.  If you have resized a device or a subdevice (partition) using aoe-revalidate on the target will update the block layers information on the target.

Aoe-mkdevs is not needed if UDEV is used.  Aoe-ping is usefule determining if the problem with unavailable storage is the driver or something else.

That all said there is already an ebuild to install these tools sys-block/aoetools. I tend to bump it when there is a new release but someone else is sticking in cvs. 

Comment 9 Michaelian Ennis 2008-11-13 17:16:33 UTC
Additional detail: The two binaries do not use the driver.  This allows them to work even if there is a problem with the driver.
Comment 10 Thomas Deutschmann (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2019-07-16 19:02:55 UTC
If this is still a valid feature request, please come up with patches. Closing as can't fix for now because I cannot test AoE.