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Bug 145430 - NO Docs on upgrading to glibc 2.4r3 when upgrading gcc
Summary: NO Docs on upgrading to glibc 2.4r3 when upgrading gcc
Alias: None
Product: [OLD] Docs on
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Other documents (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: Highest major (vote)
Assignee: Docs Team
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Reported: 2006-08-28 18:23 UTC by arthur_torrey
Modified: 2006-08-28 18:40 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description arthur_torrey 2006-08-28 18:23:19 UTC
The GWN from 21 Aug, 06 has an article "GCC 4.1.1 and glibc 2.4 going stable"

As you can guess by the title, the Gentoo base project has announced that sys-devel/gcc-4.1.1 and sys-libs/glibc-2.4-r3 will be going stable on <snip> "

The article sends one to the GCC Upgrading instructions.  Aside from not being real clear about which part of the instructions to follow (I understand that a seperate bug has been filed on that) the guide seems to be very clear and complete.

However the article did not say ANYTHING about a process for upgrading the glibc version.  After asking in the forums, I found that it is necessary to unmask that library and do a TOTAL system recompile (emerge -e system, emerge -e world) and that it was easiest to do both at the same time.

There is NOTHING about doing this in the gcc upgrading guide.  At the very least there should be pointers in the gcc upgrading guide to a glibc upgrade guide, or instructions to upgrade the library at the same time.  

Part of this problem is the annoyance upgrading causes to those of us not running bleeding edge boxes.  It takes DAYS to do a system recompile, and during it the box is not really useable as it makes my 386 look fast.  I don't like the notion of having to do it twice because of a documentation ommission.  Please fix this as soon as possible.

 ART / Gooserider
Comment 1 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2006-08-28 18:40:47 UTC

glibc-2.4 will be going stable when gcc-4.1.1 goes stable; since gcc-4.1.1 is not stable yet then neither is glibc-2.4

as for having to recompile world, that's complete garbage