The way that Gentoo install clamav, it's use freshclam to get antivirus database refresh. but, it's _required_ that you specify the refresh rate; otherwise, no updates at all !!! From man pages : -d, --daemon Run in a daemon mode. This option requires --checks. -c #n, --checks=#n Check #n times per day for a new database. #n must be between 1 and 50.
That's what /etc/freshclam.conf is for.
By defaults: # Number of database checks per day. # Default: 12 (every two hours) #Checks 24 is commented, maybe uncomment and add 1 ?
oh, forget to say, I've servers where freshclam (0.88.3) doesnt update, until I force -n 2 at startup or force a config option.
(In reply to comment #2) > # Number of database checks per day. > # Default: 12 (every two hours) > #Checks 24 > > > is commented, maybe uncomment and add 1 ? As written in the comment, the default value is 2 hours. It works perfectly fine here. Also, your clamav is outdated.