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Bug 143985 - x11-terms/rxvt-unicode server dies when client gets invoked from an not executable directory
Summary: x11-terms/rxvt-unicode server dies when client gets invoked from an not execu...
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All All
: Normal minor
Assignee: René Nussbaumer (RETIRED)
Keywords: InVCS
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-08-15 02:35 UTC by Roland Bär
Modified: 2006-09-01 01:51 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

Output of emerge --info (emerge-info.txt,3.24 KB, text/plain)
2006-08-15 05:31 UTC, Roland Bär

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Roland Bär 2006-08-15 02:35:38 UTC
Tested that with both 5.3 and 7.9 version. The underlying problem is in src/rxvtd.C, where due to a unsuccesful call to chdir() for the client, it
calls the err method of the current object, which then frees "this". 

Walk through
roland@ferrari ~ $ urxvtd&
[1] 643
roland@ferrari ~ $ rxvt-unicode daemon listening on /home/roland/.rxvt-unicode-ferrari.

roland@ferrari ~ $  mkdir /tmp/foo && cd /tmp/foo && chmod -x . && urxvtc *** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (!prev): 0x00000000006100d0 ***[1]+  Abgebrochen             urxvtd  (wd: ~)
(wd now: /tmp/foo)
roland@ferrari /tmp/foo $

Oh, this happens also if the server is started from within this directory.

(Note: Found with Coverity)
Comment 1 René Nussbaumer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-08-15 05:03:29 UTC
can't reproduce that. Can you give me a emerge --info please?
Comment 2 Roland Bär 2006-08-15 05:31:36 UTC
Created attachment 94311 [details]
Output of emerge --info
Comment 3 Roland Bär 2006-08-15 05:34:22 UTC
Steps to reproduce:
1. make a new directory, lets say foo: mkdir foo
2. cd in that directory: cd foo
3. start the urxvtd, if not done already: urxvtd &
4. start the client urxvtc: urxvtc
Results as above, crash...
Comment 4 Roland Bär 2006-08-15 05:42:28 UTC
(Again, forgotten setp 3...)

Steps to reproduce:
1. make a new directory, lets say foo: mkdir foo
2. cd in that directory: cd foo
3. make current directory not executable: chmod -x .
4. start the urxvtd, if not done already: urxvtd &
5. start the client urxvtc: urxvtc
Results as above, crash...
Comment 5 René Nussbaumer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-08-15 05:56:42 UTC
Yes, these steps you allready showed in the bug-report itself. I can't reproduce the crash. urxvtd hungs but doesn't crash on my system. It crashes after I press Ctrl-D on the shell.
Comment 6 Roland Bär 2006-08-15 06:56:38 UTC
Well, you are then lucky not having an immediate crash. But hanging up will then close other urxvtc's also, and thats not the intended behaviour. 

The underlying reason is, that the server object gets created via "new server (...)", but any time it calls his method server::err, it just "delete this", rendering the behaviour unpredictable, sooner or later it crashes. Just play around a bit .....
Comment 7 Emanuele Giaquinta (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-09-01 01:42:37 UTC
Can you try by chance the cvs version of urxvt? It is possibly fixed.
Comment 8 Roland Bär 2006-09-01 01:51:22 UTC
Can confirm, that this is fixed in CVS.