Hi there! Could someone mark foremost ~amd64, so I (and propably others) are able to try wether it works? If ppc an x86 work for 0.69, amd64 should propably also work. Thanks
By the way there is also a version 1.2 availibel on the homepage http://foremost.sourceforge.net/
The good: it compiles! The bad: # foremost foremost: /usr/local/etc/foremost.conf: No such file or directory The ugly: # foremost --help foremost: invalid option -- - Try `foremost -h` for more information. # foremost -h Segmentation fault
wrong resolution
upstream devs need to fix it up more
Did you try 0.69 or 1.2?
I tried the one in portage: 1.0
Same for me. 1.0 uses my CFLAGS as defined in /etc/make.conf and has segfaults as well as the /usr/local/etc/foremost.conf-issue, 0.69 on the other hand doesn't use my CFLAGS and works. But 0.69 doesn't support -t <filetype> as a built-in function. BTW I now use 1.3 (as submitted in bug 144065) and this one works perfectly.