recently I installed gentoo (2006.0 stage3) on my box. php4 compiled several modules for cli API while only two of them are avaiable for apache2 API my php is compiled with concurrentmodphp flag so I suppose it has something in common with that: extensions for apache2 are i-versioned suffixed dir, while cli without suffix (/usr/lib/php4/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-zts-20020429) Same was with /etc/php/apache2-php4/ext dir compared to /etc/php/cli-php4/ext dir copying files over these and addink required symlinks in /etc/apach2-php4/ext-active then restarting apache solved problem What is important: cli's and apache's (one of two avaiable for apache2, other is differ in size
Created attachment 93400 [details] emerge --info
This is expected and correct, all extensions must be present two times for concurrentmodphp to work, one time for Apache and another for CLI/CGI, as they are different in how they work wrt the symbol versioning. As I stated in my blog you cannot use concurrentmod with the sharedext USE flag (that is why you have different numbers of modules in the two directories). And please don't just copy them over, they _are_ different, and if you just copy them over and load both mod_php5 and mod_php4 into Apache, it will segfault. Best regards, CHTEKK.