I'm trying to compile kopete, but this failed: * To support Video4Linux webcams in this package is required to have * =x11-libs/qt-3* compiled with OpenGL support. * Please reemerge =x11-libs/qt-3* with USE="opengl". !!! ERROR: kde-base/kopete-3.5.3-r2 failed. Qt3 is installed with the following USE flags: [ebuild R ] x11-libs/qt-3.3.6-r1 USE="cups -debug -doc -examples -firebird gif -immqt -immqt-bc -ipv6 -mysql -nas nis -odbc -opengl -postgres -sqlite -xinerama" 0 kB I'll never attach a V4L webcam to the system and I'll never be able to use OpenGL, as I'll always connect to the system using OpenGL. Thus, I don't need V4L support. It would be great, if the Video4Linux support in kopete were optional.
Please request this upstream, as this is not easy to do on our side without patching lots out of it. (When you report to bugs.kde.org, please add the URL to that bug in this.)
Fine. Reported upstream. See URL - http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=131385
Adding '--without-gl' to the configure-script parameters works for me, no patching or upstream work necessary. (Personally, I think its kind of silly for an non-3d-graphics program to have a hard dependency on OpenGL, given the sorry state of 3d graphics drivers in Linux and *BSD.)