Move the whole tree to depend only on xulrunner, as it soon will be the only officially supported platform for embedding. This will also reduce the work needed from the mozilla-herd in future - in near future firefox will be built on top of xulrunner (the firefox use-flag should be dropped), seamonkey is not officially supported from mozilla and so on issues, easier for security bumping, testing (only against one set of libraries)...
Feel free to submit patches for individual ebuilds and file separate bugs for them. Meanwhile, we are busy enough porting them to FF/Seamonkey.
I don't see how you could resolve it as upstream as it is the herd, which is involved in this. More reasonable is to resolve it later. And do not be afraid I'll post patches as I did for the gecko-sharp long time ago.
As said, open separate bugs for each ebuild if you have patches... One monster bug for this would be just a huge mess. Meanwhile, we need to port the stuff to something that's tested and not package.masked like xulrunner. Thanks.