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Bug 138021 - [tracker] new recruits to find mentors
Summary: [tracker] new recruits to find mentors
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Development (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High normal
Assignee: George Shapovalov (RETIRED)
Keywords: Tracker
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Blocks: 272998
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Reported: 2006-06-26 02:00 UTC by George Shapovalov (RETIRED)
Modified: 2017-01-19 18:47 UTC (History)
7 users (show)

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Description George Shapovalov (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-06-26 02:00:09 UTC
As a result of my call for Sci reorg we have three people volunteering to help maintain stuff. I can mentor one, but we need two more mentors apparently..
I am opening this bug as a tracker. As soon as mentors are found a bug should be filed with recruiters following the standard procedure..

Jeffrey Gardner: je_fro, <>, has an extensive list of bugs where he contributed, claims to have been teasing spyderous and marcus a lot, so may be one of you guys would take him? ;)
Jeffrey: it is really better to use the email you did your contributions with, when writing such message, I really had to search for you on bugzilla ;).

Jan Marten Simons: jamasi? <>, has contributed many ebuilds as well, some programming language related, some on crystallography. Was there a touch of some gnome stuff as well?

Flammie Pirinen: flammie <>, that's right, he is :), but he is on a translations team (Finnish as I understand?), so he will likely need to be trained and put through that process as well. He proposes to maintain linguistic software, but who knows where the road leads him once he starts ;).

I king of "worked" with Jan on one of his crystalographic packages, but, to make matters easier, I think I will let sci devs pick who wants to mentor whom and will just take the 3rd person..

To the recruits: you probably know these links already, but in any case it may be worth refreshing your memory on technicals and policies:
Gentoo Development Handbook:

Gentoo Linux CVS Tutorial:

Comment 2 Alexandre Buisse (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-06-28 03:07:12 UTC
As I said on the mailing list, I could mentor flammie, assuming everyone is ok with it.
Comment 3 George Shapovalov (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-06-29 09:03:15 UTC
Ok, looks like  Alexandre (nattfodd) can take Flammie, Donnie (spyderous) can take Jeffrey (je_fro) and then I can take Jan (jamasi). Alexandre, Donnie - please open the corresponding bugs with recruiters when you are ready (but lets finish with reorg as much as we can :)).

Jan: I am afraid I will have to postpone mentoring (or rather official application to the recruiters) by about a month - I am going to Ukraine in about a week and will have a spotty internet connection. But, as mentoring anyway takes more than one month, this is not a big issue. Besides we will hit the more "productive" time then during the active phase :).

I will try to go through your bugs meanwhile and leave comments on how to fix/update ebuilds. Please also take a look at the links suggested in comment #1 and also here:

Comment 4 George Shapovalov (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-06-29 09:13:50 UTC
One remark: when you open bugs with recruiters I think it makes sense to make them (the bugs) block this one, so that we can track the status. Also, as Dominique Michel responded to my remarks on his ebuilds reasonably quickly I suggested him to do updates and asked whether he would be interested in being mentored and joining Scientific Gentoo. Let's see what happens..

Alexandre, Donnie:  since you agreed to mentor I added you to CC, so that this bug shows on your "personal" lists, not only on a rather lengthy sci bugs ;).

Comment 5 Donnie Berkholz (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-06-29 09:21:27 UTC
I'm gonna pull myself off, I track my bugs via email, not going to Bugzilla, and I don't need to get the same one twice.
Comment 6 Jan Marten Simons 2006-06-29 10:27:10 UTC
(In reply to comment #3)
> Jan: I am afraid I will have to postpone mentoring (or rather official
> application to the recruiters) by about a month - I am going to Ukraine in
> about a week and will have a spotty internet connection. But, as mentoring
> anyway takes more than one month, this is not a big issue. Besides we will hit
> the more "productive" time then during the active phase :).
> I will try to go through your bugs meanwhile and leave comments on how to
> fix/update ebuilds. Please also take a look at the links suggested in comment
> #1 and also here:

I don't mind the delay, as it gives me some more time to work on ebuilds and aquire more dev-knowledge. Have a nice stay in the Ukraine. And please give feedback, so I know where to improve things.

Comment 7 Alexandre Buisse (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-06-29 12:41:32 UTC
The "mentoring" process kind of began with flammie, but as stated on the mentoring page, I shouldn't open a new bug (or rather reopening bug #60374 in this case) before the ebuild quiz has been submitted.
Comment 8 George Shapovalov (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-06-29 14:32:32 UTC
> The "mentoring" process kind of began with flammie, but as stated on the
> mentoring page, I shouldn't open a new bug (or rather reopening bug #60374 in
> this case) before the ebuild quiz has been submitted.
That's why I said, "when you are ready" :).

Anyway, I just got email from Dominique (see comment #2), he updated some of the ebuilds, taking care of my comments, and agreed to maintain them, so we need another mentor. Looks like his interests should be closest to electronics. I'll also post a message to -science tomorrow, asking whether somebody wants to mentor him. I *may* try to take on two people when I return, that is if nobody steps up, but it is better of course if we find another mentor..

Comment 9 Dominique Michel 2006-06-29 15:40:10 UTC
My main interrest with computer science are electronics and audio pro. I am engineer in electronics and electricity, work mainly with electronics, and I am an amator musician too.

Otherwise, my computer skills (programation languages) are limited to assembler (on hardware as 6809 and dsp56k) and I am using linux from many years ago now.
Comment 10 Andreas K. Hüttel archtester gentoo-dev 2010-06-30 17:48:44 UTC
This is all stuff from 2006, so pretty much outdated. I suggest we make a new tracker if we need something similar again.