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Bug 136929 - system date older than init.d files causes dependency errors
Summary: system date older than init.d files causes dependency errors
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Hosted Projects
Classification: Unclassified
Component: GNAP (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High major
Assignee: Gentoo Network Appliance Bugs
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Reported: 2006-06-15 14:05 UTC by Rob Judd
Modified: 2006-06-27 03:50 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Rob Judd 2006-06-15 14:05:58 UTC
I've had problems with all my Gnap2 builds, where if any of the /etc/conf.d or /etc/init.d files have mod times in the future compared to the clock when the system boots, there are serious problems during boot.

This is important for anybody gnap on systems without a real battery backed RTC. For example, my hardware always boots up with a default date, Jan 1, 2000.
Shortly after entering the default runlevel, it starts putting out errors that it can't resolve dependency info, mtimes differ... and it starts all the default runlevel services in no particular order, which of course causes most of them to fail.

My solution was to patch the /sbin/rc file in the root_overlay to run /sbin/ --update  *very* early in the boot process.

My previous, less elegant, attempts to work around this were: touching all the config files so they had modtimes before 2000, and modifying the boot process to set the system clock to the future (like 2020) until ntpd can start and correct the clock. The depscan solution works better, however.

I think this problem may be baselayout related, but I don't know for sure.
Comment 1 Roy Marples (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-06-27 03:50:03 UTC
Reporter neglected to attach emerge --info