Searching for RESOLVED bugs containing the word Q_SETUSE from the advanced search page does not find bug 102080. (Of course, a normal ALL search for Q_SETUSE finds nothing, but I think there are already open bug reports on that issue.) Perhaps this is mere ignorance on my part, but I've tried a number of variants on this search, all with zero hits. Perhaps this is a duplicate of an existing bugzilla bug report, but I've browsed through numerous plausible seeming matches in "resolved bugzilla" bug reports, and none seem to specifically deal with this issue.
If I search for A Comment contains all of the words/strings Q_SETUSE Status: RESOLVED the bug you mentioned shows up just fine. Are you sure you searched for comments, and not only for summaries?
Works for me.
Ok, it's working for me now. I'm fairly certain that this is an exact duplicate of a search that I tried earlier which did not find anything, but maybe I made a mistake earlier. There's a slight possiblity of a race condition relating to caching or some such, but there's a better chance I had just made a mistake.
Nevermind, closing then... Bugzilla is probably tired. :)