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Bug 133333 - media-gfx/mapivi (new ebuild)
Summary: media-gfx/mapivi (new ebuild)
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Default Assignee for New Packages
Keywords: EBUILD
Depends on: 133332
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2006-05-14 15:06 UTC by Milos Popovic
Modified: 2014-12-14 13:58 UTC (History)
8 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

mapivi-0.8.1.ebuild (mapivi-0.8.1.ebuild,869 bytes, text/plain)
2006-05-14 15:10 UTC, Milos Popovic
dirpatch.diff (dirpatch.diff,614 bytes, patch)
2006-05-14 15:11 UTC, Milos Popovic
Details | Diff
mapivi-0.8.1.ebuild (mapivi-0.8.1.ebuild,996 bytes, text/plain)
2006-06-24 15:17 UTC, Milos Popovic
mapivi-0.8.1.ebuild (mapivi-0.8.1.ebuild,1.20 KB, text/plain)
2006-06-24 17:02 UTC, Milos Popovic
mapivi-0.9.1.ebuild (mapivi-0.9.1.ebuild,1.21 KB, text/plain)
2006-12-11 12:14 UTC, Christian Berendt
mapivi-0.9.7.ebuild (mapivi-0.9.7.ebuild,1.06 KB, text/plain)
2008-04-27 13:19 UTC, Andreas Thalhammer
files/mapivi.png (mapivi.png,3.17 KB, image/png)
2008-04-27 13:20 UTC, Andreas Thalhammer
mapivi-0.9.7-r1.ebuild (mapivi-0.9.7-r1.ebuild,1.09 KB, text/plain)
2014-10-11 15:21 UTC, Andreas Thalhammer

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Milos Popovic 2006-05-14 15:06:22 UTC
This is unchangeable JPEG image Viewer, can search and edit EXIF, IPTC, by date, by time,...
Comment 1 Milos Popovic 2006-05-14 15:10:01 UTC
Created attachment 86779 [details]
Comment 2 Milos Popovic 2006-05-14 15:11:54 UTC
Created attachment 86781 [details, diff]
Comment 3 Milos Popovic 2006-05-15 07:36:27 UTC
For this package, you should install Image-Metadata-JPEG too, as it requires it. You can find it hrere:
Comment 4 Samuli Suominen (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-06-24 12:53:17 UTC
This is now in Sunrise Overlay, with dev-perl/Image-MetaData-JPEG on bug 133332.
Removed that patch, and replaced it with simple sed as it seems more convinient.

Thanks, drac
Comment 5 Milos Popovic 2006-06-24 15:17:48 UTC
Created attachment 90055 [details]

Yes, I am still learning :) Now diff is obsolute. Thanks.
Comment 6 Milos Popovic 2006-06-24 17:02:54 UTC
Created attachment 90063 [details]

Add some warnings if you use Gimp 2.3 from CVS. I can not figure out how to get gimp version inside of:
if ???=2.3; then
There goes some sed commands

I have tried, and "/usr/bin/gimp -v | /bin/grep -o 2.." print 2.3 but only in command line not inside of if. Can anyone help me?
Comment 7 Christian Berendt 2006-12-11 12:14:52 UTC
Created attachment 103821 [details]

this is an ebuild for the new version 0.9.1, also in the sunrise-overlay
Comment 8 Andreas Thalhammer 2008-04-27 13:19:20 UTC
Created attachment 151125 [details]

version bump; desktop entry with icon; patch for GIMP >= 2.3 now default; arch ppc added.

You need to convert pics/MapiviIcon.gif to ${FILEDIR}/mapivi.png or use next attachment.

Greetings, Andreas.
Comment 9 Andreas Thalhammer 2008-04-27 13:20:23 UTC
Created attachment 151126 [details]

icon for desktop entry: files/mapivi.png
Comment 10 Zhang Weiwu 2009-02-01 16:30:07 UTC
Hi. As ordinary user I wonder why this is not yet in the main portage? is there a standard criteria what should be in overlay and what should be in the portage?

I found this tool very useful for most people who photographs, because cropping might be necessary for a lot of pictures and users want to do it losslessly. mapivi is the only tool that can does it on Linux. I guess it's at least as important as e.g. media-gfx/gimmage and should be in portage if you rank usefulness.
Comment 11 Zhang Weiwu 2009-02-01 16:56:59 UTC
Just wanna report this ebuild and the one in 133332 are just tested working on iBook G3 (ppc).

Stupid newbie question: is the reason these ebuilds not accepted because of the depended Image-MetaData didn't use g-cpan?
Comment 12 Jesse Adelman 2009-02-03 02:33:54 UTC
Wow, what an old request. It'll be great when this is in Portage. It is in Sunrise, but stuck at version 0.9.1, while 0.9.7 has apparently been out since Feb 2008 (!). Thanks.
Comment 13 Zhang Weiwu 2009-02-03 02:37:57 UTC
Hi I am not sure what you mean by "stuck at version 0.9.1", since I downloaded the ebuild for 0.9.7 and it works fine for me. I didn't use sunrise overlay, just copy the ebuild to a local overlay and build the digest and emerge it.
Comment 14 Andreas Thalhammer 2014-10-11 15:21:49 UTC
Created attachment 386440 [details]

Make it depend on either media-libs/jpeg or media-libs/libjpeg-turbo.
Comment 15 Andreas Thalhammer 2014-10-11 15:29:19 UTC
I just emerged this on my system and it compiled and installed without errors. But it doesn't run. When I try to execute it, I get the following:

$ mapivi 
"my" variable $pfn masks earlier declaration in same scope at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10157.
"my" variable $balloon masks earlier declaration in same scope at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10158.
"my" variable $gravity masks earlier declaration in same statement at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10158.
"my" variable $gravity masks earlier declaration in same scope at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10160.
"my" variable $but masks earlier declaration in same scope at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10161.
"my" variable %config masks earlier declaration in same scope at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10161.
"my" variable $gravity masks earlier declaration in same statement at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10161.
"my" variable $balloon masks earlier declaration in same scope at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10162.
"my" variable $but masks earlier declaration in same statement at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10162.
"my" variable $gravity masks earlier declaration in same statement at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10162.
syntax error at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10156, near "$gravity qw(NorthWest North NorthEast)"
syntax error at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10159, near "}"
syntax error at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10163, near "}"
Global symbol "$bF" requires explicit package name at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10164.
Global symbol "$max" requires explicit package name at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10164.
Global symbol "$bF" requires explicit package name at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10165.
Global symbol "$max" requires explicit package name at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10165.
Global symbol "$bF" requires explicit package name at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10167.
Global symbol "$bF" requires explicit package name at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10168.
Global symbol "@fontFamilies" requires explicit package name at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10177.
Global symbol "$cF" requires explicit package name at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10220.
Global symbol "$cF" requires explicit package name at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10224.
Global symbol "$max" requires explicit package name at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10226.
Global symbol "$max" requires explicit package name at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10227.
Global symbol "$cF" requires explicit package name at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10230.
Global symbol "$max" requires explicit package name at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10232.
Global symbol "$max" requires explicit package name at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10233.
Global symbol "$cF" requires explicit package name at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10236.
Global symbol "$max" requires explicit package name at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10238.
Global symbol "$max" requires explicit package name at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10239.
Global symbol "$cF" requires explicit package name at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10242.                                                                                                       
Global symbol "$max" requires explicit package name at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10244.                                                                                                      
Global symbol "$max" requires explicit package name at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10245.                                                                                                      
Global symbol "$dF" requires explicit package name at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10250.                                                                                                       
Global symbol "$dF" requires explicit package name at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10251.                                                                                                       
Global symbol "$dF" requires explicit package name at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10253.                                                                                                       
Global symbol "$max" requires explicit package name at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10253.                                                                                                      
Global symbol "$dF" requires explicit package name at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10254.                                                                                                       
Global symbol "$dF" requires explicit package name at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10256.                                                                                                       
Global symbol "$rc" requires explicit package name at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10266.                                                                                                       
Global symbol "$rc" requires explicit package name at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10270.
Global symbol "$rc" requires explicit package name at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10281.
syntax error at /usr/bin/mapivi line 10282, near "}"
/usr/bin/mapivi has too many errors.

I use dev-lang/perl-5.18.2-r1:0/5.18.
I also have to say that I'm using media-libs/libjpeg-turbo instead of media-libs/jpeg, and a system cannot use both, so I don't have a chance to change that.

Can anyone confirm this?
Sadly, there is no new version upsteam, and 0.9.7 is from February 2008.
Comment 16 Thomas Sachau gentoo-dev 2014-12-14 13:58:44 UTC
The ebuild in sunrise was outdated and unmaintained, so it got removed.