Hi there, I'm running the php-ebuilds successfully together with litespeed-webserver for a while. Recently I'm partly running it with the litespeed-api-patch for better performance with this webserver. To be still able to use the php-ebuilds it would be really great if that patch could be included together with a use-flag for that SAPI. Link to the lsapi is: http://www.litespeedtech.com/products/lsapi/ I'll try to point their developers to this bug, maybe they can help with the integration.
Erm, get that accepted upstream. We definitely don't feel like maintaining an unsupported API for Gentoo only.
I agree with comment #1, reopen this and we'll talk about it once the LiteSpeed SAPI code is in upstream's PHP and there is an ebuild to install the LiteSpeed webserver (Standard Edition is free from what I can tell, so it should be possible to do this). Best regards, CHTEKK.