Hi... If we have an tool that can search files on CONTENTS files in /var/db/pkg it will be wonderfull! It is a very simple idea, I just ask: # find-file bash Founded 1 reference: >>> /bin/bash [sys-apps/bash] Thanx a lot... Bernardo S. A. Silva
try #type bash #qpkg -f /bin/bash (qpkg is in gentoolkit)
Yes, it works, but some useful searches like: # qpkg -f csmash (filename, whithout path) Doesn't work. Some tool that searches all kind of filenames with the same name is VERY useful. Like: # qpkg -f gcc Founded 2 references: > /usr/bin/gcc [sys-devel/gcc-3.2.1-r6] > /usr/.../gcc [sys-devel/gcc-2.95.3-r8] Or something like that. So, sorry but I reopen the bug. Thanx a lot, Bernardo S. A. Silva
Just do: qpkg -f `which bash` Or if you want to be more hardcore: find /var/db/pkg -name CONTENTS | xargs grep bash | less
Not really a bug.