bbm is a 3d puzzle game where the controls a ball and tries to solve puzzles by destroying all the blocks. This ebuild relies on pyogre (bug #115745) and pysdl_mixer (bug #126665) which aren't in portage yet.
Created attachment 85223 [details] bbm-0.2.0 ebuild
Created attachment 85355 [details] bbm-0.2.0 ebuild This changes the SRC_URI since all the files are now hosted on sourceforge.
sure would be nice if it used the games.eclass variables and installed into the games.eclass directories.
Created attachment 85924 [details] 0.2.0 ebuild using games.eclass Here's a new version of the ebuild which also uses the games.eclass. It installs the binary in /usr/games/bin and the data in /usr/share/games/bbm/. All the python code is still installed into /usr/lib/pythonVersion/site-packages/bbm/.
Created attachment 85925 [details] small patch to find data directory Here's a small patch for the program to find its data correctly.
Created attachment 89274 [details] bbm-0.3.0 ebuild ebuild for version 0.3.0 of bbm. Almost the same as the 0.2.0 ebuild except it deals with the .desktop file correctly. This also needs the same patch that the 0.2.0 ebuild needed.
Version 0.3.1 of bbm has been released. The 0.3.0 ebuild and 0.3.0 patch can be renamed to 0.3.1 and used.
No releases since June 2006. Last SVN commit dated Aug 14th, 2007. Seems to be dead upstream.
indeed. reopen if it returns to life.