Compiling is OK, but Xgl start integrated to gdm: after start X, loggin form apper for one second, then X restarted to distorted screen with cursor mouse arrow, but i could not moving with xursor (= totaly freeze, must power off PC). Startxgl script: i only see black screen with cursor mouse ball forever, but i could moving with cursor (= no freeze). [DRI enabled is OK] I have ~* on all xgl, compiz, glitz, mesa, ati-drivers, xf86-video-ati in /etc/portage/package.keywords. My system is Atholn X2 3800+, 1GB RAM, Sapphire X600 Pro VIVO 256 MB (VEN:1002 DEV:5B62 primary, VEN:1002 DEV:5B72 secondary, PCI-E card nonAGP).
a) You files this bug in the wrong category. This is no bug with our bugzilla! b) Xgl is not yet in portage. Resolved as INVALID.
Sorry for the wrong category. I am new to Gentoo. Coud You give me advice where I have to this ( report? I installed Xgl belong this Gentoo wiki ( Thank You very much