The media-fonts/corefonts ebuild is usable to get some of the fonts use on many web pages today. However the fonts are rendered at a different size than they on a Windows machine. An example would be the Gmail web site. I believe this might have something to do with metric compatibility. I know that Ubuntu provide the following aliases in its fonts.conf file: <!-- AMT provides metric and shape compatible fonts for these three web font families. --> <alias> <family>Times New Roman</family> <accept><family>Thorndale AMT</family></accept> </alias> <alias> <family>Arial</family> <accept><family>Albany AMT</family></accept> </alias> <alias> <family>Courier New</family> <accept><family>Cumberland AMT</family></accept> </alias> I've tried to track down these fonts and I found them here . However, these are commercial fonts so using them is probably not an option. Is there some way to introduce fonts that match the expected size?
not gnome What the suggested bit is doing is just making the AWT fonts a drop-in replacement for the Microsoft fonts with the dubious licensing. It's pointless for us to add that, we cannot provide those fonts (does Ubuntu?). The rendering differences between windows and linux can have numerous possible reasons and the core fonts themselves obviously are non-linear scaled. I don't think the fonts are your problem. Maybe you could point out exactly what the differences between windows and linux are you encounter.
Created attachment 83156 [details] Gentoo Firefox 1.5 Screenshot
Created attachment 83157 [details] Windows XP Firefox 1.5 Screenshot
Created attachment 83158 [details] Gentoo fonts.conf
It looks like I'm wrong regarding the siz,. however, there is some rendering differences. Can they be attributed to my fonts.conf settings or are the caused by the font "rendering engine"?
The subpixel smoothed drawing for LCDs is obviously different. Your settings may not be the right one for your display (on windows or linux) or it might be an implementation difference. Anyway, this is at best a local configuration issue.